Chapter ten~

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|| Levi's POV ||
"Y/N finally said yes...she's mine..." I thought BANG
Y/N went limp in my arms, all the blood drained from my face. I slowly looked up to where the source of the sound.
"Petra....." I gasped. She gave me a small smirk and began to speak.
"Hello Levi...miss me?" She spoke with a wicked grin on her face slowly walking up to me.
"I can't believe how longs it's been," I stayed silent as I saw the guards quickly running towards me and the limp Y/N.
"You won't get away with this you bastard" I spoke through gritted teeth.
"Oh honey, this is just the beginning"
With that she quickly disappeared into the bushes, I held Y/N in my arms, I didn't know what else to do. Tears streaked my face as I shouted the guards to catch her.
(Time skip brought you by Levi's cleaning products)

It's been three days since Y/N was shot, she hasn't woken up yet. I couldn't help myself but do some stress cleaning. I cleaned my room more that 57 times, but I lost count after that. I tried looking through my paper work but that made me more jittery. Sighing I walk out around the palace, everything reminded my of what happened. Especially the trash the wretched woman was piece of trash, I would rather not be associated with her. Balling my fists I made it to the garden and sat down for a while, I put my hands to my face trying to get myself together. At the time I could ya do anything, I was useless...I couldn't do a I started sobbing uncontrollably, the tears ran down my face.
'Whats wrong with me..." I thought to myself. I took out my handkerchief and wiped off the tears, fixing my silky raven hair back into its original place. I readjusted my composure and thought I would go to Y/N's room and check on her.

I walked out of the garden, and into the many halls of the castle, as I walk I look at the paintings of the past royal family until I got to the painting of Y/N and her family. Her three sisters and her mother and father, I look at Y/N she looked so young. I admired her beautiful H/L H/C hair, her E/C orbs the sparkled in the sunlight. A smile tugged at my lips but made me look constipated. I then realized how much I loved this little brat, sighing I carried on walking to Y/N's room and knocked before slowly opening the door. I quietly closed the door and brought a chair near her bed and took her hand in mine. It was warm, yet cold, the ring still on her left ring finger. My dull bluish-grey eyes stared at Y/N's pale face, her eyes still closed. Then it hit me, when would she actually wake up...the castle doctor Hanji said she didn't know when she would wake up. I stared at her and looked at the detailed features of her face, I brought her hand to my face and kissed the back of her hand softly.
"Y/N....." I whispered
A single tear ran down my face, a knock on the door made me jump up. In came one of the maids, she strode in with a tray in hand, she put the tray on the bedside table near me an Y/N
"Your majesty you have been here for two hours I just thought you would like some tea." Nodding at her, she bowed and left, I picked up the tea cup holding it by the rim. Taking a couple sips a time I noticed the taste seems a little funny... Oh well, as I stare a bit more at Y/N my eyelids start to get heavy, I slowly placed my head on Y/N's bed my eyes shut closed, I heard a voice so familiar so distant.
"You let your guard down around her DONT you, Levi? ," the person said cackling, I finally realized what just happened, I was poisoned. I open my eyes one last time to see the figure in front of me, Petra. I tried fighting the darkness that was calling me, she smiled that wretched smile of hers and said-
"Good night Levi" she said smirking, until all of a sudden everything went black.

I'm so sorry I've been neglecting the story I just had a bit of writers block and just didn't feel motivated to write at all, I've been having shit happen to me at school and I'm just so damn busy with life. I love you guys thanks for reading my story so far, let's see what happens to Levi ;)

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