I dare you.

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Authors Note: this is set in season 1. So the characters in this will be Fitz, Simmons, Skye, May, Coulson, And Ward.

Coulson had just given the team the good news that they had the day off, but the bus was in the air so they would have to entertain themselves on the bus. They all set around in the 'living room' area. Fitzsimmons on the love seat talking about their latest project. Ward, sitting next to Skye who was on her phone, was bored, "hey Guys lets do something together?" May sitting on the other side of Skye looked over at Ward, "Got anything in mind?"
Ward smiles, " Let's play truth or dare." Fitzsimmons looked up in shock and in unison said, "That's such a childish game." Skye countered, "I'll play, Ward." May nodded that she'd play. Ward gave Fitzsimmons his best puppy dog eyes, "Please play." So they agreed.
"Hey Fitzsimmons y'all don't happen to have a truth serum, so we know nobody cheats, do you?" Skye asked with a smile. Simmons replied, "We do actually Fitz he-" Fitz interrupted her finishing her statement, "Me and Jemma created one." Skye looked excited "Can we use it?" Fitzsimmons nodded, left the room then returned with the serum and injected everybody including themselves. Skye smiled, "Awesome lets get started. May, truth or dare." May replied, "Dare obviously." Skye smiled wickedly, "Go kiss Coulson." May kept her face straight, left the room then returned a minutes later her cheeks slightly pink. "Ward, truth or dare?" May asked. "Wait" Skye intervened "how do we know you actually did it? Wait truth serum, duh. May did you kiss Coulson?" May replied "Yes, now truth or dare Ward?" Ward responded, "I don't want to seem weak in front of Skye so dare." Both May and Ward bore shocked expressions from the words that Ward had uttered.
"I dare you to kiss Skye, and not on the cheek. You don't want to appear weak do you?" May said smirking. Both Ward and Skye's face had become pink. Ward looked at Skye, silently asking if this was okay, she nodded slightly. Ward placed his hand on her cheek and slowly kissed Skye. She kisses back then they pulled apart. "Your turn to ask." She whispered to Ward. Ward looked over at Fitzsimmons "Hey Simmons truth or dare?" Simmons replied "well since every dare so far has been to kiss someone I'll say truth." Ward looked at Fitz then asked, "Do you like Fitz?" Jemma responded immediately "Of course, he's my best friend." Ward replied "No I mean like as more than friends, basically do you love Fitz?" Fitzsimmons faces turned red and Simmons nodded yes. Fitz face grew redder, but he also smiled. Simmons not wanting the silence to linger said, "Moving on, Fitz truth or dare?" Fitz looked at Jemma and replied "dare." Jemma smiled and whispered "Kiss me" Fitz looked slightly shocked, but smiled hesitantly kissing Simmons. Simmons smiled into the kiss placing her hand on his cheek as she deepened the kiss. While they kissed Skye yelled "OTP!"

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