See You Again

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This is an AU of sorts, it's really a twist on an episode from season one. However there will be a small spoiler from season 3. So if you haven't watched season 3 I'd recommend waiting to read.

Skye shakes with horror as it clicks in her head, 'Ward is Hydra....' Just kept replaying in her head, over, and over. "No, he can't be." She whispered knowing that is was true. 'I must warn the others' she thought. She looks around the bathroom not knowing how she could warn the others.
Ward walks down the hall, "holy shit where is Skye. She can't know, I can't allow that." He mutter. He continues to briskly walk down the hall "Skye! Skye!" He calls out worriedly.
Skye walks out the bathroom still shaken, but putting on a brave face.
Ward sees her and rushes over immediately knowing that not everything is okay, "What's wrong?" He asks concern flooded his voice.
Skye smiled, nodded, and leaned up and kissed him firmly on the lips. When she pulled back she had composed herself. "Everything is good." She states almost convincing herself.

That's when she wakes with a start, breathing heavily. This awakens Ward, "Babe what's wrong?"
She looks over shocked then remembers that it was just a dream and Ward wasn't Hydra, or was he? "Ward, oh it's nothing just a bad dream that's all."
He looks at her with concern, "what happened"
She grimaces, "well you were Hydra and you'd killed somebody. I was terrified."
Worry momentarily crosses his face but he quickly composes himself and laughs, "Babe that's ridiculous. Me, Hydra? That's funny. Let's just go back to sleep and forget about it" he says wrapping his arms around her and pulling her down.
She looks over at him, "WARD" she says sternly only the smallest hint of fear in her voice "You aren't Hydra, right?"
He looks down and sighs not answering at first. Then looks back up at her "I do wish you would have forgotten about it and gone back to sleep." He say pulling a gun out from under his pillow and points it at Skye.
She screams.
Screaming Daisy sits up and looks around, taking in her surrounding. She gasps as all the memories coming flooding back. Ward was Hydra, he was evil, then Hive, and now he's dead along with Lincoln. She starts crying sadness overtaking her. "I miss them so much." She sobs.

I'm sorry that this is a sadder one. None the less I truly hope you enjoyed it.
Also yay! Season 4 comes on soon, I'm so excited!!!!

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