It's Just You and Me.... Or is it?

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There really shouldn't be any spoiler so it should be fine to read wherever you're at in the series.
It's an AU

<Right before this Simmons had gone on a secret mission alone and had lost touch with the base, it starts with Simmons returning to base>
Fitz races to Simmons relief flowing through his body as they reach and embrace one another.
"Oh Jemma. I was so worried."
"It's okay Leo we" she pauses "uh I mean me. I'm fine. Me a singular person." She finishes with a quite nervous chuckle.
Fitz pull back from the hug just enough to study her face. "I know that look. What aren't you telling me?"
Simmons looks around and notices all the people. "I'll tell you later"
She grabs his hand and pulls him away toward the lab.
"Well okay." He says following her to the lab.
When they arrive at the lab Simmons face him with a nervous almost anxious express.
Fitz pulls her close wrapping his arms around her waist. "Hey, talk to me. It's okay."
She smiles and nods "Yeah we are okay." She says then glances down towards her stomach.
"Of course we're okay. Why wouldn't we be Jem?"
"Well what if it wasn't just us?" She asks fidgeting nervously in his arms.
"Jemma just tell me please. What ever it is, we'll be okay." He smiles at her.
She nods and takes a deep breath "Leo I'm.."
Just then Coulson rushes in exhibiting an air of urgency "FitzSimmons we need you in the conference room now."
"Can we have just a second please, we were in the middle of something."
"Now Fitz" Coulson replies sternly "You know that you can't let y'alls relationship hinder your job."
"All I'm asking for is like two seconds. Can't you help a brother out. Take a head start?"
"I'm sorry Fitz but I need both of you in the conference room. Now."
Fitz sighs and looks at Simmons and mouths 'Sorry'
She nods whispers "it's okay later.".
Fitz grabs her hand and they follow Coulson to the conference room.
The meeting starts but Fitz just can't pay attention. His mind is racing; all he does is wonder and guess at what Simmons is going to tell him. He guessed many things like maybe she had a stomach disease or found a new guy. But he wasn't sure. The phrase 'what if it wasn't just us' running in an endless lope through his brain. She doesn't want to be a throuple does she? He cringed at the thought and dismissed it immediately. But nothing he could come up with seemed right, at least he hoped his guesses weren't right.
The meeting ends and Daisy walks over to Simmons, "Hey, could you come with me and help me with.."
Fitz interrupts her "Sorry Daisy I need to speak with Jemma. It's urgent, can't wait, really I shouldn't even explain I should just take her."
Simmons laughs lightly "Okay Fitz. Sorry Daisy give me Oh I don't 10 minutes then I'll come help you"
Daisy nods and walks off.
Fitz smiles and grabs Simmons hand dragging her to his room, so as not to be disturbed any more.
Simmons smiles and laughs. "Fitz
Fitz looks at her slight concern splayed on his face since he has no idea the good news that is about to be delivered.
She grabs his hands and smiles reassuringly. "Fitz" she says gently and moves his hands onto her stomach. She looks at him in a way that seemed to say ,do you understand'
Fitz smiled as realization hit him. "A baby?" He questioned softly
Simmons smiled and nodded.
Fitz smiles even brighter. "A baby. We're having a baby!" He exclaims each word louder than the last. "Jemma this is amazing." He hugs her then pulls her into a deep kiss. "I love you so much." He bends over to her stomach "and I love you to little one"
Simmons smiles happy tears filling her eyes. She places her hands on his cheeks "I love you too Leopold" and pulls him in giving his a tender yet passionate kiss.

Hey it's me Courtney. I'm so sorry that it has been a while. I hope y'all enjoy this one. And as always I'd appreciate any feedback y'all have. Thanks and Hope you enjoyed this. (:

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