Let's just say I'm missing you.

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Spoilers if you haven't watched all of season 3, specifically the season finale.

Not set 6 months later.

Daisy's POV
"A moment ago, it's the first time I said I love" and the connection breaks leaving those as the last words I heard from Lincoln. I was already crying, but now I was crying harder. Probably harder then I'd ever cried in my life. Even though things probably wouldn't have been able to work out between us after hive, that doesn't mean I didn't love him. And I certainly didn't want him to pay for my mistakes. What happened next though was a bit of a blur, and not just because of the tears blurring my vision. I remember people coming up and trying to comfort me, knowing that they wouldn't be able to. I remember getting sick of it and running out. Threatening them if they followed, and running, out of the room, out of the base. Then stealing a car, though in my defense the keys where in it, and taking off speeding down the road to get away. To forget. The next thing I knew I had parked at a bar. It felt like it had been weeks, yet at the same time only minutes since Lincoln's death. walked in, and had a few drinks. Though I'm not sure if what happened next is true, or was a memory fabricated by all the alcohol I consumed. James, A.K.A. Hellfire, sat down next to me. "Let me buy you a drink." He offered.
"Make it two and you got a deal." I said with almost a hint of a smile, glad to have someone who didn't know. He smiled and winked "It'd be my pleasure."
"Soooo where's your boy Lincoln?" James asks casually. I frowned, tears forming "He's not here anymore." I say quietly hoping to not break down again. "I'm sorry to here that, even though we weren't each other's biggest fans." I nod and gulps down my drink. "So what are you plans now? You going back to S.H.I.E.L.D.?" He asks. I look over at him, "No I won't be returning to S.H.I.E.L.D., and don't waste your breath cause after this next drink it's unlikely you'll ever see me again. I have a promise to keep, and a government agency to hide from."  He frowns slightly,  "You sure about that yes?" "Yes" I say firmly, then grabbing the second drink gulps it down., "Now if you'll it excuse me I've got things to do." I get up "Thanks for the drinks it was nice to see you?" He nods, "You too, but I do hope we meet again someday." I smile slightly the excites the bar.

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