After school

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I came home and I do what I do every day I get on vine I love it. So I had made a edit of a fairy tail character and someone vine famous liked it! So I ran in my sisters room excitedly to show her, "look sis look!!" I said smiling very happily. Her response was to get up scream at me to get out, push me, and slam the door behind me. She's so rude I mumbled under my breath so she couldn't here me. So I ran in the living room to show mother, "see mom someone vine famous liked my vine isn't that cool??" I was so happy. Mother just tilted her head and said, " that's great honey. I'm watching tv." As I started to get up I could here my father raising his voice, "can't I watch my own f#%@#%* tv without being interrupted?!?!?" He yelled. So I went back to my room and kept quiet, I feel asleep in my dark room, my light bulb is busted and there no light, of course I became sleepy. Good night I thought To my self as I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

It's just life my dear.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz