The weirdest day ever.

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I role over to see the clock said 9 o'clock. HOLY COW! IM LATE AGAIN! I thought to my self running out of the house. Forgetting my notes on my bedside table, aww crap. I'm gonna get yelled at for this I already know... I got to school at around nine thirty-two walking into 3rd period. I've never been this late. Everyone was staring at me when I walked in like I was the new kid or something. My teacher pulled me out in the hallway yelling so loud the kids in the class were giggling. All I herd was blah blah blah parents, blah blah call, blah blah office. Blah blah blah. Wait, did she just say... "OFFICE?!?" I blurted out by accident, she nodded her head and said if your late again your getting sent to the office. Aww crap! My sisters always late! I'm gonna get detention or worse! Going to my next class I was right in-between to girls fighting, they did it all the time, but they never would hit each other. It's was always a verbal argument. But not today, the one on my right reached across me and hit the girl to my left. The one on my left "accidentally" punched me in the face! My nose started bleeding... I ran to the bathroom. Bumping into someone making the blood get in my face the told me to watch were I was going... Sigh. I hate done people... I went to the bathroom to wash my face and nose off. Trying to stop the bleeding... Seeing blood makes me light headed, especially my own... It made me vomit. I just passed out in the bathroom floor... It was actually nice. Not being yelled at or having to worry. When I started coming to there were teachers over me, "Caroline! Caroline!!" I could here them yelling my name... I was talking but they never herd me. Why can't they here me I wondered, "call an ambulance!" I herd mrs. Peterson screaming. What? an ambulance??? Why? Asked I was talking to her she was crying and screaming to call 9-1-1 what's happening??

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