Who is he?

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"Can you see?" I herd him say. No I thought. "Can you control your smile?" I can't tell if I'm smiling or not I'm trying to. "So you can control your smile." I can? Ok? So? "Smile if you remember what happened" I had a straight face. "Do you remember anything?" I kept a straight face. "Do you know who I am?" I kept the straightest face I could I was dying to know! "It's your best friend." I could feel him tap my forehead. "Do you know now?" I smiled it was oatmeal! "you look happy, for someone in a coma." I was happy it's was my favorite guy friend besides my boyfriend. Oatmeals real name is Brandon. I felt his hand on mine. Is he holding my hand?!?!? "Can you feel your hands" I smiled oh he's just testing me! I thought he was holding my hand!!! He taped me toes "feel that?" I was still smiling Brandon is always so nice he's always looking out for me.

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