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I herd Brandon and Mathis actually talking to each other we were all awake Brandon talked to me first but he whispered, "are you awake Caroline?" I smiled. He knew I was awake. Mathis went to the bathroom and Brandon looked out the window, all the sudden there was loud beeping coming from things hooked to me. Brandon panicked, he started yelling for a doctor, all of the sudden all of the sudden I was getting rushed down the hallway, I could here what sounds like 2 doctors and Brandon and Mathis. I was took to an X-Ray machine. What even happened to me?!?! I herd the doctor explain to Mathis and Brandon. "When she passed out she apparently hit her head hard on the sink then fell to the ground and hi the same spot... " that's what happened? Apparently the beating was my heart having skipped a beat. When we went back to the room fox, bunny and, the boys were in my room. I could feel tears on my face again this time I wasn't controlling they just happened. I felt Brandon wipe my tears, I grabbed his hand and put it to my cheek, I had control of my body again and the first thing I did was I hugged Brandon, he hadn't left my side not once. He's loyal. "Thank you" as I hugged him. "I'm glad your ok..." I could feel his hand on the back of my head.

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