Chapter one: Meeting Captain Kirk, Spock, and Scotty

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Tilly stood in the nearly empty kitchen next to the white stove and sighed putting the red tea pot on the stove. It was a pretty boring day at the library she worked at and now she was waiting till her room mate came home from work.. She sat at the old wooden table that they had enough money to replace it was more of an issue of time. They didnt care much, decorating wasnt a very big deal to them. Tilly pulled on her long brown hair and kept pulling it infront of her face to see if she could find the blonde streaks hidden among them. She puffed up her cheeks with air and let it all out making a weird sound just to entertain herself. She could watch television but she wasnt a very big fan of tv, neither of them were. Except Tilly always watched Doctor Who and Star Trek. Which they both enjoyed.  

Tillys head snapped up and almost jumped right out of her skin when hearing the squeels of the tea pot. She got up almost imdiately to shut the damn thing up and put it on the opposite burner. She stood on her tippy toes to get the tea cups all the way on the top shelf of the wooden cupboard. Why does he alway put them this high up?! She thought to herself but she knew exactly why. To torture her. He found it funny when she struggled a bit or when a blush rose to her cheeks from embarassment and she looked at the ground not saying anything.  She got the tea cup that was pure white and rimmed with blue and green flowers. She had a whole set of just white cups that her and her room mate painted together. All different kinds and all costumized with things like The Enterprise, Light Sabers, Sycadelic swirl of all different colors, The Beatles, flowers, pirates. You name it they would probably have it on a tea cup.   The boiling hot water was slowly poured into the cup making sure it wouldnt spill but being the clutz Tilly was who knows what could happen. As she poured a wave of hot water splashed back up covering her hand. "Shit!" she yelped and quickly set down the kettle and ran over to the sink. She turned the cold water all the way up and didnt hesitate to stick her hand under the fosset. She sighed because how good the freezing cold water felt running over her hand. After about a minute of this she turned of the water, not wanting to waste anymore water. Lets try this again she told herself and began pouring with no trouble. She added a little honey and before she returned she heard the door open and then close.  "About time." She yelled from the kitchen. You could hear him laugh lightly from the other room. "Yeah, sorry." Tilly nodded even though she knew he couldnt see. "Would you like some tea?" Her room mate collapsed on the couch. "You have no idea how British that sounded." He laughed, he always felt the need to say something about her strong British accent. Tilly didnt mind though. "And sure." He sighed.  

Tilly reached up to get another cup and she could feel his stares on her back as he snickered at her. She finally got it, hooking her middle finger on the handle.She slowly lowered herself from her tippy toes and turned to see him looking at her though the square in the wall that you could see into the kitchen from the living room and vice versa.  "Oh yes.. Very funny." She scoffed turning back around and filling his cup with tea.She slowly walked back to the living room keeping her full focus on the tea and not spilling it. She finally got over to the couch and handed him his tea. She sat next to him with one leg under her and the other hanging off the couch. While he was sprawled out completely. "So, tell me Mr. Yelchin, what was your first week like on The Enterprise?" Tilly asked him with a smile.  

Anton rolled his head over to face her. He had bags under his eyes already, mostly because it was about one o clock in the morning. He let a tiny smirk begin at the end of his mouth. "Tiring." He laughed. Anton slowly sat up and sipped at his tea as Tilly anxiously sipped at hers waiting for more details. When Anton no longer spoke she frowned and began asking questions. "What does the bridge look like?" She pestered. "Is it as cool as it seems? Whats Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto like? Whats the whole Enterprise look like?" Anton chuckled a bit and looked at her. "Its very white with a lot of buttons. Yes it is. Hilarious and cool." He then sighed and got up. "How about I take you on set sometime?" He told her turning and facing the couch. "Because right now I dont feel like explaining. I feel like  taking a shower and going to sleep." Anton then got a really weird and curious look on his face because Tillys face looked like something he has never seen her make. He didnt know if it was happy or angry or suprised or sad. He was in mid stratch with his arms out when thats face made him stop. Tilly sprang up and grabbed him around his waist, accidently tackling him to the ground. He wrapped his arms around her laughing.  "Till!" He exclaimed. "Im sorry, Ant... I just... ITS THE ENTERPRISE!" She exclaimed hugging him tighter, he laughed a bit more as Tilly got up. She offered him a hand up and he took it as she barely did any lifting, it was more for support.  

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