Chapter four: Lily Visits

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Lily was going to be in America for about a week and of course this was find with Tilly since how long they had been best friends. Anton, though, was not to thrilled about this. It was only a matter of time before they started to shoot more and more of his scenes and he would be called for interviews. During that time he would barely ever be able to see Tilly and as everyone knows. Thats not the best thing for a new relationship. But Anton kept his mouth shut because he knew how happy it made Tilly to have her hear. 

"Okay! Okay! Anton, watch this!" Tilly shouted as Lily and her ran out from the kitchen and to the living room where he was watching tv. He raised an eyebrow at the two girls while they tried to stop giggling. "Hmm?" He hummed, trying to get there focus back on what they were going to show him.

"When we were very little we made up a handshake.. er... dance.. type thing." Tilly explained. "And we finally got it down. Watch." She told him and then they started to do this weird and very intricate hand shake that went something like Tillys hand on Lilys and then Lilys hand on Tillys.... it was really hard to keep up with. A lot of the silence was filled with "No! Not that! This!" and "OW! Thats not what you do!!" 

They suddenly stopped, giggling and bickering about who messed up which parts. Anton rolled his eyes slightly and smirked a little. 

"That was lame." He teased them and they both did not look at all offended because they knew it was very lame. Anton gave out a sigh of relief when Tilly smiled at him. 

"Oh, and you can do any better?" Tilly taunted and stuck her tongue out at him before collapsing on the spot next to him. He smiled at her and gently placed his hand on her knee as Lily sat on a chair that was at a position she could basically see the whole room except for the wall behind her. 

"How's work been?" She said in sort of a whisper and this was the first time she was able to ask since Lily arrived. Anton contiued to smile as he looked over his girlfriends face. 

"Very good and your publication book thingy?" He replied in a voice barely above a whisper as he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close. 

"Meetings are boring but they have decided to publish my book." She started and was about to continue but stopped herself. "Its boring. I dont want to bother you with that type of thing." 

The curly haired boy rolled his eyes and pressed his forehead to Tilly's "Of course im interested. Its about you." Tilly giggled and gently pecked his lips. Anton smiled brightly and went in for another kiss before Lily cleared her throat to reminder she was still there. 

Tilly pulled away which made Anton sigh a little. He understood what he was doing was a bit rude but he couldnt help but be mad at Lily for taking his girlfriend away, basically. 

"Im going to show Lily some of the tourist-y places. Wanna come?"  She asked and Anton shook his head. He knew, even though he was the boyfriend, he would have to be the third wheel. Besides, he had to be on set early tomorrow. 

"N-" He started to talk but Tilly's face became very said and puppish. He sighed and smiled a little. "Fine.. Ill catch up with you guys later." Tilly smiled brightly and nodded. Almost immediately they got up. "Just call me when you want to come." But they were gone before he even finished his sentence. He bit his lip as he shut his eyes, sighing. 

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