Chapter three: Nothing's Different

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Anton kept throwing things at Tilly, waiting for her to wake up. First the only couch pillow they owned and then anything else he could find. He saw a candy wrapper on the coffee table and threw it at her. It didnt even reach her, Anton laugh to himself. He then saw a book and threw it at her. "Tilllyyyy." He whined. She looked over at him groaning. "Whaaat?" She said, tiredly. 

"Make me food." Anton said with a laugh. "NO!" Tilly said irretated and turning in the reclining chair.

"But Till!" Anton complained. She just flipped him off making Anton chuckle. He swung himself off the couch, rolling on to the floor. He landed with a thud and squirmed around a little. The hunger soon got the best of him and he got up, slugglishly walking to the kitchen. He opened the fridge greated by nothing but milk, water, caprisuns, and strawberries. He took out the milk and spun around. "Cereal it is..." He mumbled.

Anton sat at the table staring at the painting on the white wall. Maybe we should paint the place.. He thought. And get grocieries. How are we still alive from caprisuns and strawberries? Ill have to go grocery shopping with Tilly. She'd probably just buy hot pockets and tea. He laughed to himself then he looked down at his Frosted Flakes. Damn, this cereal is good. He was taken away from his thoughts to see Tilly slamming a bowl down on the counter and filling it with cereal and milk.

Tilly walked over to the table and sat down infront of Anton. Tillys hair was unusually messy from bed head. Anton laughed as he swallowed another bite.  "You look pretty." Anton said in a sarcastic tone and laughed.

"Shut up." She said in a grumpy tone.

Anton smiled at her. "Woah, okay. Mrs. Attitude." He laughed. Tilly looked up at him. She gave him a mean lookand made eye contact with him. After about a minute she couldnt help but start laughing.

"So, what are we doing today?" Tilly asked him.

Anton tapped his fingers on the table looking at his empty bowl then at her. "Go grocery shopping?"

"Are we adults now?" Tilly asked with a smirk.

Anton shrugged picking up his bowl. "If you want to eat then I guess so."

Tilly let out a small laugh and finished her cereal. She got up and slowly slid her bowl into the sink while Anton did the dishes. Anton turned around to see Tilly right behind him. "Im going to take a shower and the we will go, okay?" Tilly said and Anton nodded, basically being pressed against the counter and Tilly. "Be careful with the tea cups, too." She smiled and pecked his lips and walked out of the kitchen. Anton watched her leave with a smirk on his face and then turned back to the dishes, hearing the shower start.

Anton put all the dishes away and sighed. He didnt enjoy cleaning but he felt the need to do it. He looked over at the stove that had a digital clock. The green 4:18 showed brightly and Anton put his hands on the counter. Shoving himself off and then falling back to the support of his hands.

"ANTON!" Tilly called from the bathroom. Anton shook his head with a smirk on his face because Tilly forgot a towel again. Anton grabbed a towel and headed to the bathroom. He put his hand on the door knob but hesitated to turn it. He's done this a thousand times but this time it felt weird. He shrugged it off and opened the door. Anton walked through the steam and saw Tillys hand from the shower curtin sticking out. He handed the towel to her and she quickly wrapped it around her and tucked the corner of it into the towel to keep it up.

Tilly opened up the shower curtain and pulled her wet hair to one side. It already began to wave and Anton just stared at her. Tilly gave him a weird looked. "You can take a shower now." She told him.

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