Chapter 6: Where are you

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Lily had been gone for quite some time and Tilly found herself lonely. Anton was working like crazy, traveling to promote his new movie and being called to come back to set randomly. Which he had to drop everything and go with just a peck on the lips and an 'Im sorry'. She missed her boyfriend more than anything and being with her friends didnt sedate that feeling in the least.

"What did you expect when you started dating right when he was in the biggest franchise ever created?" Tommy had asked her, one of her friends from college that she actually kept in touch with. 

Tilly shrugged and looked at the ground to view her feet walking against the cement. "I dont know.. I wasnt thinking, thats the thing. All I wanted was him. And the second I realized that, was when I realized all I ever wanted was him. But now hes just gone all the time and we missed so much time to do couple things. To go to art museums, get frozen yogurt, have sex on the kitchen table." 

"Ive eaten on that table." Tommy said with a slight gagging., trying to cheer her up worked slightly. She smiled for a moment before it fell. 

"It just really sucks, ya know?" She chewed on her bottom lip, kicking the ground where dirt was and watching it twirl and fly around the air before settling. 

Tommy nodded, bringing the plastic coffee top to his lip and sipping from it. "I do, remember when Richard left for six months to go to school over seas. I was devastated and clinged onto you for support." He told her, putting his finger under her chin to get her to look at him then he wrapped his arm around her. "Thats why I will be here to support you. I will be your Anton step-in. But... no sex on the kitchen table." And thats what finally made Tilly laugh.


It was around 12 am when Anton walked through the door with his bags in tow. Tilly was passed out on the couch with a throw blanket covering her. He smiled softly and walked over to get the blanket to be fully covering her. But the soft touch woke her up. She had been waiting there all night for him to come home. 

"Hi, Poo bear." She said in a soft voice, groggy voice. Smiling in a sleepy way. Anton couldnt help but think how adorable she looked, her face was slightly puffy from sleep and it showed innocence. 

"Hi there, cutie." He smirked at her, pushing some hair out of her face so he could see it more clearly. "You should go to bed." He whispered, pressing his forehead against the side of hers and kissing her cheek softly. 

Tilly shook her head gently, trying to wipe the sleep from her body with just a wipe to her eyes. "Tonights our movie night." Then she grabbed his face, cupping it in her hand. "And dont try to argue with me. Youve been gone all week and Ive missed my hobbit." She said, kissing the tip of his nose. 

"Did you say hobbit because you want to watch Lord of the Rings?" Anton laughed, nudging the sleepy geek over so he could sit next to her. 

Tilly smiled, her first genuine smile in what seemed like forever. Looking into his eyes made her find her smile again. Made her feel like this was her home. "And you look like a Hobbit." 

He laughed, harder than he had in the past week. Nothing was better than when Tilly made him laugh. Nothing felt better than coming into a room and seeing her in there. She held a part of his soul. "How do /I/ look like a hobbit?" He asked, sounding as if it was unbelievable. 

"The hair, youre pale face. Oh and you also look like a baby with really good face structure." She told him, making them both chuckle now. "Speaking of people you look like. I was reading this book and you know how I always think of famous people who should play the characters?" Anton nodded, making his curls bounce. He eagerly waited to hear about her weird quirks that were so cute to him. "Well, I picked you for the main character. Is that weird?" 

"A little, but I dig it. Is he cool?" He asked. Honestly, he felt extremely flattered and it showed in his blush. But Tilly didnt bring it up. That was just for her to see and know. 

Tilly leaned into him, laying half her back on his chest and her head on his shoulder, getting as close as humanly possible. "He basically takes care of dragons for a living."

Anton paused for a moment, wrapping his arm around his beautiful girlfriends shoulders and squeezing slightly. "I will be talking to JJ as soon as possible. I definitely wanted to be known as the Dragon Herder for the rest of my career." 

Tilly smiled and snuggled into him, laying the blanket across his legs. "I thought you would." She whispered before turning on the dvd player and pressing play. 

"Which Hobbit would I be?" Anton asked after a few moments of silence and Tilly laughed before actually giving it great thought. 

"Probably a Brandybuck. Because you have a lot of Took in you. But youre still smart. Like Merry." Tilly replied thoughtfully and Anton thought about it before replying;

"I dont know what I would do without you." 

"You'd have to find a new room mate." She joked before sitting up and looking at him. "I feel the same way." She said in a genuine whisper before kissing his lips with no intention of parting the distance any time soon. Finally she pressed her hands against his body to lead him down the the cushions of the couch. Her lips still never parting from his. 

"This is the first make out session Ive ever had while watching Lord of the Rings with a girl." Anton laughed against her lips and Tilly did the same. 

"Well, I guess Im just special." She replied, tugging at the sides of his shirt.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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