Chappy 3

49 3 1

As I was setting table for dinner .I sense him to pass over me

Once I turned around to see but there is no one .As one by one came for dinner and settled in their chair

Everyone is waiting for him to start the dinner but I found no name of him to come here and then mom told me to bring him

How can I face him now ??
Oh Allah please give me strength not to cry in front of him

I checked him in our bedroom , living room and lawn but he is no where...

Where he went?

I went to mom and told her I can't find him anywhere

Mom stood from her position and went towards study room

I am sitting in my chair and lost in my own world

Someone push the chair and sat next to me when I looked at him
He did not shared a single gaze with me

Its hurt to know he has started to avoid me from today itself

I have not touch the food much
Just lost in my thought ,how he will treat me in front of his second wife? whether I will be sitting next him or not

Then someone kicked me from under the table
its none other but Annia she is signaling me to eat the food
I just nodded and took a one bite of roti

It is very difficult to swallow the food after hearing about his marriage what can I do
its written on my fate to face

Mom sensed the tension in the air that something is wrong between us

When dad went after eating his dinner and Thalha was about to get up from his position mom gesture him to sit

Mom asked him what happen?

Then , pointed to me and asked
Why are you not eatings your dinner ??

Oh my Allah what should I say know and he is angrily looking at me .his angry look will kill me now, I think so...

I just said I am not hungry

Then,mom asked why you are not hungry today??

He replied Mom just leave her if she is not hungry why are you forcing her and then he get up from his position by giving death glare to me

After hearing what he said ,I am about to cry .Control shifra don't show your emotions in front of anyone
Don't show you are weak

I just took my plate and put it in a sink

Annia called my name and told my phone is ringing

When i saw the caller ID ,its my mom a small smile crept on me

I answer the call by greeting her with salam her voice cheer me up

She asked me how was your day
What you had for dinner ,lunch and breakfast and I told her everything .

At last she asked how is thalha? My emotions started and voice changed

I just said he is good .I think mom sense something tension in my voice

She has not asked anything like what happen? instead she advice me

Trust Allah when things don't work out the way you wanted .Allah has something better planned for you and you should be first to ask forgiveness

okey mom I need to go
I have lots of work to do .
with that by saying salam, I cut the call

If I talked with her more I am sure I will cry .

Each and every work is completed I went to mom to say my good night salam and i found him watching TV .As usual he never met my gaze...

I went to my bedroom and changed into some comfortable nighties and was lying on the bed thinking about him

I don't know after coming his second wife , he will be sleeping next to me or not

Why he will sleep with me when he found his lover here

Stream of water are going from my eyes .
Oh my Allah why I am crying this much for that man .
I never cried these much in my life . I think this is due to pregnancy hormone 'progesterone'

I heard a click of door and found him entering the room
He is busy in talking with someone in phone about some business

Suddenly I felt like vomiting ,I went to the washroom to threw up

I hate this smell ,after cleaning up and came outside the washroom

I found him sitting on the bed with his both hand on head

After seeing me ,he told Don't tell you are pregnant now in a harsh tone

oh my Allah ,what he was telling
Because of him I am pregnant now

I feels like a big mountain has kept in my head .

Why he is telling like that?
What will i do if he told me to abort my baby after listening 'I am pregnant'

I felt myself crying in the same position glaring at him

He shouted at me again to tell I am pregnant or not

I kept a hand on my belly and told him in a sharp tone yes I am pregnant with your child why you are not happy for this ??

He moved his hair with his hand in frustration and said I never except this much soon

After saying he went inside the washroom ,what he mean
never except this much soon

If he don't want to except a baby so soon then why he did to make me pregnant

I don't want to face him again. so,i
acted like sleeping by burying my face inside a duvet

After sometimes ,I found him next to me by showing his back to me

My whole night has been spent by crying ........

So sad of her isn't it😢😢😢

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