chappy 6

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         "Relationship are about trust .If you have to play a detective ,then its time to move on shiffu"

Annia told me after listening to my entire story .

Firstly ,she turned into a shocking state .when I asked her " Did Thalha loved anyone before marrying me?"

Her face made an expression 'how you know about this'

"Why are you asking this sort of question shiffu ? You know him better than me" she said and turned her head to other side not to face me

"Annia ,I know you are hiding something with me ,which can be clearly seen on your face"

Her face turned pale and started to sweat

I kept my hands on her and said
" you believe me as a sister right"

she nodded her head in agreement

"Look at me and tell me the entire story of Thalha before marrying me "

She said "No shiffu ,I can't tell you the whole story .you need to ask this to Thalha ,to know the entire story .I don't want to be a third person in your relationship"

"Annia,when i said ,you are a third person ? I just need your help to sort out things. I need to remove the actual third person who has interleaved in my relationship" I said and then she asked " which things you need to sort out?"

"Thalha is talking in phone the other day with someone I can clearly say ,she is a girl " then I pause for a second to see her reaction.

Her face furrowed after listening me .Then,I continued "He was telling that...." I almost started to cry now .

"He is soon going to marry the girl,  he was talking"
with that I burst into sobbing on her shoulder .Her belly prevented me from hugging her tight.I did not tell her threatening part of his.

Oh my Almighty !! I don't know how long I have cried on her shoulder.

She continued to pat my back to comfort me .Finally she said " I will help you in this matter because I know the girl he said to marry, she is not good enough for him and for our family." I looked at her to tell further about her but she continued to strengthen me with her advice

She said"I heard my mother-in-law advising someone through phone Its good to help those in troubled marriage by giving them advice and support But beware turning them against their spouse .That's a sin. So ,I am here with you shiffu to support and to strengthen your bond with thalha and make him to turn to you before he looked at someone"

Her words comforted me and small smile crept on me .Feeling blessed to have a sister in law like her.

"Look shiffu ,Don't lose your hope .There's much more hope in the fog filled skies.You might not have seen it,but its there,hanging on in the gloomy clouds and you need to workout to find the reason behind his decision.

    It's impossible that something which Allah has written for you should go to someone else .so go easy; do not envy nor have hatred, and live with a white heart and a pure intentions.
I am always here to help you .Never in my thought I will allow her to reunite with my bro.She can't even give my bro the happiness which you give him shiffu  ...I know her better than my bro and what's her intentions to reunite with him?

Always remember shiffu ,No matter which situation you're in right now .Allah choose it for you.
Don't be sad ,don't complain .Allah knows best and he will give you the best,even if it takes time.

If Thalha is destined for you only ,never in a million years he will be for somebody else .Be with Allah and Allah will be with you.

Be thankful for everything ,say Alhamdulilah!!"

I hugged her from the side for comforting me and said Alhamdulilah!!!

I thought Family isn't always blood.It's the people in your life who want you in theirs ;the ones who accept you for who you are.The ones who would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what.

Then ,she said to be a detective to find "What she need from him?

Why can't she leave him all alone to have a peaceful life?

I am sure shiffu there something behind his decision .Thalha is not a easy person to convince for marriage that too second time .I know, she did something to convince my bro.He had totally forgotten  her and started to move on

I don't know ,why she interrupted his life ,now."

It means Thalha had some haram relationship with that girl 😕

" shiffu there is more to a marriage than just intimacy between spouse.Marriage is half of your deen,necessary to help you complete the other half.The other half of your deen is to build a relationship through the remembrance of Allah .
Shiffu ,I know you will think why I am telling you about this ? Just think how beautiful is it to have someone there to help you in your journey to find Allah? I am sure Thalha will help you to complete this journey .Even though ,he did some haram things in his young age .I know, he did not done it with knowingly ,someone hand is behind it

Allah is the one who can change your sadness into happiness in a blink of an eye.Trust him alone shiffu ,he will surely shows a path" 

Her advise really strengthen me .It feels like I got a power to fight this battle of love all alone .
I never imagined my life without my better half .

As I glanced at the hanging wall clock at her room ,it's three past ten

So, I decided to leave Annia, to have some rest .she has been talking to me from past one hour

"Thanks a lot Annia ,your advise means a lot to me .You made my day" I said

And I was about to get up from my position ,she said "I know you overcame something about Thalha's past ,yesterday but you were not ready to share things with me . so I thought, when the time is right you will come"

I smiled at her and said "yea ,you're right Annia " with that I left the room.

Assalam alaikum buddies ....😊😊😊😊😊😊you know I really enjoyed writing this chapter .
So,what do you think of annia's next step????

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