Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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I had a boyfriend. Not just any boyfriend. He was kind, funny, handsome. But there was one problem I had.

He didn't know he was my boyfriend exactly.

But that didn't stop me from admiring him from across the room. His floppy brown hair that he ruffled constantly over and over, those teal eyes that glowed when he laughed his adorable little laugh.

Oh Eren Jaeger. Why couldn't you be mine? I sighed internally while I turned back to my desk and ruffled with some papers. Little did I know the shadow creeping up behind me.

"If you really like him that much why don't you just ask him out, brat?" I turned in shock and gasped a little. Not that anyone heard me amidst the sound of the office.

"Levi don't scare me like that you idiot." I huffed, turning to face him while he sat on my desk. "And I don't like him. At all"

Such a lie.

"Tch" Levi tutted. He knew. Thank god he didn't push me about it.
"So you coming to the office party tonight?"

I groaned slightly. I hated office parties but if...
"Erens gonna be there." Jesus the brat even knew what I was thinking.
"Well I'll go. Only if you'll give me a lift home. You know how much of a lightweight I am."

Levi groaned. But I knew he would drive me. He's practically my older brother.

"I pay for my own petrol you know. [Y/N]."

I nodded sweetly. He tutted again before gathering his satchel at patting my head.

"I'll see you later brat." And with that he walked out of the office. I sighed. I was all alone. I mean I had only started working here since Levi had got me a job a few days ago. It was so lonely being here.

But that was going to change.
I turned back to my pile of paperwork. What a load of crap this Boss Erwin was such a jackass.

I needed a distraction

Slowly I turned in my chair to fix my gaze at Eren. He stood by the water cooler, talking to some stoney face girl with short black hair. I hope they weren't dating.

"Hey there new girl." I head from behind my office stall, taking me out of my dream land.

A tall girl with brown hair and big excited eyes stared at me, before creeping over to me cautiously as if I was gonna bite her. She leaned into my ear slowly and whispered.

"So do you have any food?!" I jumped slightly from the volume of her whisper. I eyed sideways at the burger from macdonalds I picked up earlier that lay in my bag.

"Do you want this?" I asked, reaching into my [type of bag] and pulling it out. She didn't even reply, instead she just leaped on it and devoured it. She perched herself on my desk and bit into it, smudged ketchup on her cheek.

"So what's you name kid?" She asked, while chewing hard.


"Cool. Mines Sasha Blouse. Your super cute you know. No wonder Eren was flapping on about you before." She said it so casually, but little did she know what she just said caused my stomach to do a billion flips.

I went hot to cold. And then hot again. He spoke about me. HE SPOKE ABOUT ME.

"Girl. Why you so red?" Sasha reached forward and touched my forehead. "Wow your hot. Maybe you won't be able to go to the office party tonight."

No way was I missing out on that party if Eren was gonna be there.

"No I'm fine. Thanks Sasha." I muttered.

"No thank you for this thing." She crumpled up the burger wrapping and threw it into the bin.

"BLOUSE. Get back to work." We heard Boss Erwin yell. Sasha scampered away.

I was going to that party. I thought determinedly while I searched through the papers.

Hey guys. This chapters a bit boring I know I know😂 but I promise I'll make it interesting.

I'll try and update as much as possible
----meemee_chan xx

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