Chapter 2 - Party Time

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It was the night of the party and Godammit I was so excited. I wasn't really a party person honestly but this was my chance. My golden chance.

There was a soft knock at the door. One that could only belong to one girl.

"Come on in kiddo." I yelled out, fixing my [H/L] [H/C] hair and my [Fave outfit].

"You look nice for a squirt." In came my little sister Franki. She may only be 14 but her mouth was like a razor.
"Um. Thanks I guess." I rolled my eyes at her sideways as she lay on my bed.

"So where are you going?" She already knew but she just wanted to ask me again. God only knows why.

"I'm going to an office party. Nothing much. I'll be back at 11:00 ish." I quickly applied some lipstick and puckered in the mirror.

"When you going?" She picked at the blue tac holding my posters up.

"Levi is coming in a minute actually." I glanced at my clock knowing he would hate it if I made him late. I glanced over to Franki, knowing I'd see the star struck look on her face that appears when I mention Levi.

"Levi's coming! Here?!" She squealed. I heard the honking of Levi's horn outside. He was right on time. I'd better go or risk a lecture all the way to the party.

"Yeah. That's him now." I grabbed my purse and ran out the front door, yelling a brief bye to my family. I ran up the cobblestone path and onto the drive, diving into Levi's jet black car.

"Drive! Before Franki throws herself at you."

"Tch. That brat still obsessed with me?" Asked Levi, pulling out of my drive and sped away into the night.

"Yeah. Afraid so."

"I do understand why." He muttered with a slight smirk.

Yeah so can I. I thought.


"So [Y/N]. You like it here?"

The party sucked a little bit. The music sucked. The drinks sucked. Even the food sucked. And now some drunk tall guy who looked like an angry horse was trying to hit on me.

"Yeah. It's cool." I replied to him, trying to give him the message that I didn't want talk. The only person wanted to talk to right now was across the room under the purple party lights, sipping on a beer while talking to some small blond guy.

Oh Eren. I mentally sighed. Why won't you come over?

I briefly thought about what Sasha had said before.

Had Eren really been talking about me?

Nah. Can't be. My attention turned back to this guy standing in front of me, blocking my way to a Sasha who constantly keeps waving over at me.

"So you wanna dance?" This obnoxious guy who slurred through his beer asked me, grabbing my arm and pulling me.

"Um. I'll pass." I shook his grip off me.

Oh please. This Jean guy really needed to lay off.

"Jean give her a break. Can't you see she's not into it?" I whipped my head to the side to see who's voice had saved me from this drunk idiot.

And who else would it be?
Eren. Fucking. Jaeger.
God himself in human form.

"Aw. Come on maaaaan. She's cute. Can't you see it?" Jean yelled so loud it was heard above the pounding music that vibrated the walls and floors.
My face flushed bright red. Thank God the purple disco lights hid my radiating face. I could see Erens face was a slight shade of red also.
Must be the beer he was holding.

"Mate. Your hammered. Go find Marco." Eren patted Jean on the back and pushed him into the dance floor, and he blended in the crowd of people.

So then it was just me and Eren.

"I'm sorry about him. He's just a party animal." Eren chuckled a little, showing his glowing teeth.

I looked him up and down. Damn he looked good in his everyday clothes. Skinny black jeans and a red polo shirt that complemented his body.

"Hey anyone in there?" He asked, looking me straight in the eye.

Godammit [Y/N]. Get yourself together.

"Yeah. Sorry. Just can't get over this crappy party." I laughed a little. And luckily so did Eren.

Yes [Y/N]. You made him laugh.

"Yeah you better be prepared for years of these." He lifted his beer bottle that he casually held in his hand and sipped it. "I see your pretty close with Levi." He suddenly had a serious look on his face as he pointed over to the general direction of Levi in the room.

"Yeah. He actually got me the job. I've always wanted to be a journalist." I sipped my drink while staring at a drunk Jean be carried by some cute freckled guy towards the toilets.

"Sound. So are you guys like...together?" Eren awkwardly asked while smiling the most adorable smile I've ever seen.

But did I see the slightest hint of...jealousy?

No. Can't be. Just wishful thinking.

"No. No way. Our parents are great friends. His mom Kuchel makes the best pies ever." I paused slightly "We've basically grown up together."

"Oh right. That's good."

"Good?" I raised an eyebrow slightly.

"Yeah." He paused and rubbed the back of his head. "I think Petra's into Levi over there." We both fixed our eyes over to Petra trying to throw herself on a Levi that looked totally not into it. Little ginger brat.

"Believe me. He's not into it." We both laughed in sync. Our eyes caught each other and we stopped.

We just gazed into each other eyes for a few magical moments.

"So [Y/N]. Want another drink."


"Yeah. I like talking to you."

"How can I refused a smooth line like that?" I smirked and so did he.

How can I refuse The Eren Jaeger more like.

Yeah I hope this chapter was a bit better. Just bear with it guys, I'm gonna make it fabulous.

Btw I'm from England so I might not use the same words as all of you.
------ meemee_chan xx

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