Chapter 8 - Yep, Your the One

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5 hours later

"Im baaaaaaaaccckkk." I yelled, slamming the front door shut. No one replied. As usual.

The heat of my house hit my bright pink cheeks That were severely wind swept. I sighed a little bit, collapsing against the door and sliding down to the floor. Boy what an eventful day.

--- 3 hours earlier---

"Hey [Y/N]." Muttered Eren as he slid next to me and Levi as we chattered about the oddly shaped rock we stood in front of. The birds chirped in the trees. The wind blew. People chattered in their small groups as we took a break from the hike.

Little did everyone know I just wanted to throw myself off a cliff to avoid this unavoidable situation.

"Oh. Hey." I stuttered a little unable to look him in the eye. How could I after he coldly sneaked away before after we intensely made out?

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Levi glaring at him. Boy he may only be 5,4" but he could toss an intense glance that made you want to die.

"I'll go and talk to shit-for-glasses." Sighed Levi, sulking away. Oh lord why did he have to leave me like this? Did he think this was what I wanted?

I take back all the things I said about him before. This was such a typical-Levi-twat thing to do.

"Look I'm sorry for leaving you before." Eren began to explain. I clicked my tongue. Not all because I was angry at him, just so I could show him i wasn't willing to be a booty call.

"Where did you go?" I asked.

"Mikasa needed me for a bit and when I came back you left with Levi." I turned in horror towards him. How dare he accuse me of leaving him when he ditched me for his Mikasa he cares for so much.

"Who the hell is this Mikasa anyway." I was furious now. I was ready to go. My legs twitched a little ready to run away.

But no. I wanted to see how Eren Jaeger fought. This was going to be fun.

"Um. She's my adopted sister." It was like a slap in the face. Oh my god was she actually. This I was not prepared for.

What could I say to that? I was ready for a fight but I couldn't fight over how he left me for his sister?

Why did I always inevitably end up playing the role as the bitch, when really I'm a nice person.

I had to say something. Anything. I only realised how people were staring now. I'm chocking now. Oh god what do I say?

"I thought we were gonna be something special." I whispered. I could only tell the truth. True, we had only met a few weeks ago, made out a few times. But I knew. As soon as I saw him I thought. Yep. That's him. That's who I want.

Except I always feel that way. It's rare that anyone feels like that towards me. I timidly looked up at him as he breathed silently. I look so stupid. Like a fool.

"Well you know what? As soon as you walked into that office I thought exactly the same thing." He yelled. Everyone went silent and turned away. I was lost for words.

But he said the words for me.

"I thought, yeah, I want to make that beautiful woman my girlfriend." He gradually increased the pace he shouted these words.
Something about the way he said it inspired me to match his pitch.

"Well why don't you then?" I shouted. Distantly I heard birds scatter away from our voices.

"You know what I will!"

"Go on then!"

"[Y/N] [L/N] WILL YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND?!" Silence. Realising what he said he broke into a face splitting grin.

"YOU KNOW WHAT I WILL!" I laughed, running into his arms as he grabbed me and hugged me tight. The crowd of the people from the office gathered and cheered us.

Everyone apart from Levi, who I saw slowly disappear into the woods.

---Flash back over---

My phone buzzed. I lifted it and already Eren had sent me a message. I smiled. I had only just seen him drive away.

Lord help me I was deliriously in love.
I unlocked my phone, smiling as I read his message.

Date night tomorrow? I'll pick you up at 7:00 and, well, you'll see!
Dress up pretty❤️

"What you looking so happy about?" I quickly locked my phone, hiding it behind me away from my mum who was suspiciously hovering over me.

"Nothing." I cheekily laughed, removing my muddy trainers and dumping them in the hallway.

"Well come on through. Franki brought us a surprise home while you were out." Mum chuckled a little. It was nice to see a little piece of her soul back instead of the grey shadow of a woman dad left behind.

"A surprise? Franki never does things for the family. In fact it would be so bad to call her a lazy little piece of Sh-. Oh hello." I stopped mid rant as I followed mum through to the kitchen and stood still as I stared at this stranger sitting at the table.

"Thanks for that input [Y/N]." Tutted my mum, walking out after whispering in my ear "Be nice,"
leaving me, Franki, Jacob and this guy alone.

"Hmm. Hello person sitting in my kitchen." I straightened my lips and examined him. Wavy blonde hair, an unusual magenta eyes. Quite cute, yet rather younger than me. More Frankis age.

"Hello. It's wonderful to meet you. Franki has told me lots about you." He stood up, rather flustered and spoke quickly like a child. He outstretched his arm.

"She has has she?" I shook his hand hard and firm which made him jolt wildly like a fish out of water. I couldn't help but laugh.

"[Y/N], don't be so rude to Nagisa."
(Yes Nagisa from free. He is literally my fave)
Franki had a rather serious tone to her voice. Quite protective. All the pieces slowly slotted in.

"Nagisa? I know you. You're that swimming prodigy. You must've met Franki at that swim club she works at." He nodded solemnly but his face was slowly breaking into a smile.

I grabbed a biscuit from the counter and bit into it hard while staring at him straight in the eye as I dud it. He flinched a little. This was going to be funny.

"So why are you here?" I asked. They both flushed bright red and stared at the wooden floor of our kitchen.

"Alright, alright. I get it. Just please don't do anything weird while I'm in the house." Frankis head snapped up and glared at me. I chuckled.

"Are you guys gonna bring a new guy every week, because that's what [Y/N] seems to do recently." Muttered Jacob, sucking at his baby bottle as he sat in his high chair. I flushed bright red.

"At least I'm not 6 and still drink out a bottle." I hissed. I turned back to Franki and Nagisa, Franki laughing while Nagisa looked, well, confused.

" promise to look after Franki." He bowed randomly down to me. I pulled a pained expression and mouthed to Franki
"Who is this kid?" She shrugged, laughing a little.

"Okay kid. First rule. Chill out around me. Second rule. If you gonna date my sister then just remember I will hunt you down if you ever try anything bad." I leaned into his face, bit hard into my biscuit again and walked out, laughing so hard the house shook.

"What did you do?" My mum rolled her eyes at me as I tried to pass her to get to my room.

"I made him welcome to the family."

Nagisa! Such a bae!
And poor Levi. He *almost* had a shot. Cry for him guys😂😭
Is his shot gone for real tho? Hmmmm *evil laugh*
Btw the video that I tagged in this is so appropriate

Till next time
--meemee_chan xx

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