Chapter 7 - Levi?...

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It was ten o'clock. I had decided to wait for Eren outside, to save him the effort of coming in. And the family hounding him. No one wanted that.

It was a chilly day. The sky was grey and a sharp wind blew. I pulled my jacket closer to my body praying with every passing moment that Eren would turn up.

10:03. I hated it when people were late. Even if it was by a few minutes. God Eren if you weren't so damn perfect I would kill you.

"Sorry I'm late. Mikasa wanted a lift with me and wouldn't give up." I pulled a face, happy for him to finally arrive. But who was this Mikasa? I decided I don't care. The cold was biting into my face so flung the door open and leaped onto the front seat.

"It's a bad day to go hiking." The silence was deafening. All I could hear was the hum of the road and the heating blowing in the car which I was thankful for.

I didn't anticipate how awkward it would be. I mean, we had made out so what does that mean? We're we dating? Or what?


"I-" I but my tongue. We had both spoke at the same time. This couldn't get any worse.

"You go first." He kept his eyes to his road but they kept creeping over to me.

"So since we made out yesterday what do we do now?" As soon as I muttered the words I internally screamed. What the fuck was wrong with my brain. I even contemplated throwing myself out the car.

"You sure do speak your mind." He chuckled and his muscular hand reached for the gear stick. At least he thought it was cute. But it still didn't repress the embarrassment. Why was I such a screw up?

"I guess." I nodded afraid of i spoke more then two words then I'd explode.

"But answering your question." Eren paused, I noticed his eyes skimming to the side eyeing up the parking bay outside the forest we were pulling up to. He didn't speak while he parked the car. The tension was too much to take.

"Yeah?!"I asked getting impatient. We were early. No other cars were here yet. Just us. Alone.

"Well I think what we should do is..." He looked up at me silently. His eyes shimmered in the morning light. His toned body showing slightly through his tight clothes. Those thick red lips...I couldnt help myself.

I grasped his face and pulled against mine not letting go. Luckily he didn't resist.

A heated moment passed. Slowly we slipped away an air of shame clouding the car.
We stared into each other's eyes in a deep intense irresistible way. Until a thundering knock broke the ice. It was Levi pounding at Erens window. God I hope he didn't see us.

"Oi you little brat get your ass out of the car." Levi. I rolled my eyes and clambered out of Erens car into the fresh air. I drank it in in deep gulps. The faint smell of pine instantly transported me back to the forest on rn at night eren swept me away. If only could go back now.

If only.

I turned around. Eren was no where to be seen. Had he just slunk away? How embarrassing. My face was slowly flushing pink. Was I reading into eren too much? I mean was he just a series womaniser? He did mention another girl, Mikasa. Maybe I was just a fling.

I put my best sad face on and followed the pack alone, trying to not seem too bothered

"Hey brat. Why so glum?" Levi had managed to sneak up on me. He has such a way to do that.

"Oh my god Levi why are you such a sneaky little bitch?" I rolled my eyes but instantly regretting my harsh tone. Levi didn't deserve that. He didn't have to pay for my mistakes.

"Oh I get it." He chuckled whilst making crunching sounds on the floor with his tiny feet as we entered the forest.

"What do you get?" I replied not bothering to tone down on the snippy replies. But I listened expecting to hear some glorious insight to love. Of course I was wrong.

"Your pissed off because it's your time." I gasped, turning my head to look at him with angry eyes.

"What the hell is wrong with you you freak!" I was so stupid to expect something lovely to come out of his mouth.

"Well you know. We've known each other since we were kids. Don't you think I know when it's your time on the month?"

"Fuck off Levi."

He smirked. "I knew it."

"I swear to god how many times to you need to be told to fuck off before I push your little ass head into a tree?" But although I seemed angry he had genuinely cheered me up. I benefited him with a small smile, playfully pushing him slightly.

He laughed, a rare sound to come out of his mouth. I saw his perfectly gleaming teeth that complemented his crisp skin and floppy black hair that always look inevitably perfect.

No wonder so many girls fell at his feet, I often thought to myself

Of course I never told him that. He would never let me hear the end of that.

"Come 'ere." He ran over to me, skilfully hoisting me into his back, me screaming wildly that echoes through the vast pine trees.

I pretended to protest but eventually relaxed a little bit, letting him carry me as we lagged behind the group. I couldn't be bothered to walk up the hills anyway.

I breathed in Levi. The way he smelt gave me instant flash backs to my sunny childhood days. Although he acted like such a twat, he always was there for me.

He supported me.
Loved me for who I was
Made me laugh.

Unexpectedly my heart pinged a little, making me jump. No I don't like Levi. I like Eren.

Do I though...

This chapter has been long awaited. And I'm sorry. Really. But shit happened and I was hospitalised. Don't worry guys nothing serious. I just really badly broke my leg in an accident and had to stay in hospital for a while.

So then I had to catch up with school which was annoying af. And as you can guess I didn't have time to come on here much. And I'm really sorry.
I have to go around in crutches after being in a wheelchair and my hands hurt so bad😂😭
But don't worry I'm better now, which means I can post more (whoop whoop🎉)
Also does reader chan like Levi now? Ooooooh

Meemee_chan xx

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