Chapter 5 - Free Drinks For Levi

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"Brat." I fell out of bed. Oh my god. Was I going insane? Was I hearing Levi's voice now?

"Brat what are you doing?!" There it was again. I looked up and saw Levi standing over me, offering his hand down to me.

"God?" I asked. I was hazy.

"Jesus [Y/N] what did you drink last night?" Then I realised. It was actually Levi. I wasn't going crazy. Or dying. Just Levi.

"Nothing. I just decided to leave with Eren." Levi rolled his eyes. I knew he didn't approve of this but who cares.

"Why are you here?" I asked. I started changing. I didn't care Levi was in the room, he's practically my brother. He didn't stare like other guys did. He just sat down at my desk and started fiddling with my pens.

Sometimes I thought he was gay. He strongly denied that. He even got a girlfriend after I said that, just to prove me wrong.

"We had plans to go to coffee. But you never showed." True. I was too tired to even function. How could he expected me to go out?

"Well where you you wanna go?" I asked pulling on my [Your chill out outfit]

"I want fucking coffee duh." He threw my bag at me, which I skilfully caught, before flinging my bedroom door open and walking out.


As I waited for my [Fave drink] I sat in Levi's company. He glared me straight into the eye.

"What?" I was slightly annoyed by how he just sat there, silently judging me.

"Brat. What did you and Eren do? Did you wear protection?"

"Ew, what do you think I am?" He just sat there and shrugged.

"We didn't fuck, okay? We just went somewhere...special." I smirked at the thought.

"That fucking smirk makes me sick. You did something, if he tried anything on you I'll kill him."

"Woah woah." The drinks came, the waitress placed them on our table, smiling at me first and then turning to Levi and raising her eyebrow.

"Hey there. I have a break in ten minutes. Wanna get out of here?" She said seductively, I rolled my eyes. This happened way more than I'd like. It really got to me. For all she knew I was Levi's girlfriend.

Levi shot me a look of desperation. He sure hated it when random girls hit on him. I knew what I had to do. Me and Levi shared a look. This was my go code.

"Excuse me you whore. That's my boyfriend." I yelled standing up, slamming my hands on the table. Any other person would think I was overreacting but me and Levi had rehearsed this. This was our plan to get each other out of awkward encounters with other people.

And trust me this wasn't the first time we've done this.

"Shush [Y/N]. Calm down. It's no big deal."

"No Levi. Do you mind this whore hitting on you." The whole cafe was staring now. Great. I knew what I wanted out of this. I had my goal in mind.

"Jeez. I didn't want this. Sit down." The waitress was starting to sweat a little despite acting as if this was nothing to her.

"No. I won't. This is outrageous. I want to speak to the manager." I shouted, starting to walk towards the back of the cafe. The whole room went quiet.

"No. Please don't do that." The waitress stepped in my way. She was whispering now, putting her hand on my chest. I just stared point blank into her eyes. I peered at her name tag.

"I'm sorry...Krista. But I can't put up with this." [[A/N. YES IT IS KRISTA. I kinda hate her after reading the manga.]]

"Look. My manager Ymir will kill me if I she hears about this. I'll give your drinks on the house if you don't say anything." I nodded, pretending to be angry still. I turned on my heel and walked over to Levi, tossing my hair over my shoulder.

All eyes were on me. I kinda loved it.

I high fived Levi before sitting down, sipping on my drink.

"That was pretty believable. I'm proud brat." He smirked a little.

"Yeah you should be." We sat in silence for a little, inhaling the smell of Brewed coffee and the subtle sounds of chatter. I was always so comfortable in Levi's presence.

His phone buzzed a little which broke my thought. Dammit.

"Argh. That ginger brat won't stop texting me." I snapped my head around. His black undercut flopped forward while he was bent over his phone.

"Petra?" My throat tightened a little bit. I hated her so much, I have no idea why though.

"Yeah. I gave her my number at the party. She wouldn't leave me alone unless I did."

I sipped at my drink. Hard.

"Don't you like her?"

"She's a bitch." He snorted.

"True." But he kept bent over the phone.

"What does she want?" I asked.

"She wants to meet up with me now. But I told her to not be a clingy bitch and that I was with you."

Well done Levi. I was about to ask him more about her when a knocking sound made us both turn towards the window. And there was something I didn't expect to see.

Fucking Petra. Who fucking else?

"Shit. How did she know we were here?" Levi cursed, turning away from the window, covering himself from her. I glanced at her, she looked so happy to see him. I almost felt sorry for her.


"She's seen us. She's coming in. LEVI!" I yelled. Too late. She came in, flustered from the cold air outside. Her cheeks were pink and her breathing was shallow. Has she just been running?

"Hey Petra, what you doing here?" I tried to hide he annoyance. But it was hard. I looked over to Levi. It was obvious he was pissed.

"Well. Levi said he was having coffee with you so I came to the nearest cafe to your house." Bit creepy. I scrunched my face up.

"Did you also read the bit about you being an annoying shit?" I laughed to loud at Levi.

"You actually said clingy bitch." She didn't seem to care though. It was so fucking awkward I did the only thing I could do in awkward situations.

Leave. I shot Levi and apologetic look as I gathered my things.

"Sorry. I gotta go. Bye Petra, good luck Levi." I could feel his hate vibes through my back as I left.

I hopped into a cab that took me straight home. Walking up the cobblestone steps I couldn't help but laugh to myself about Petra. As much as I hated her, she did try. At least she knew what she wanted.

"I'd better send Levi a text apologising." I muttered while opening the front door.

"I'm home!" I broadcasted around my house. No one replied. But I could hear laughter in the kitchen.

Weird. No one ever laughed in my house. I turned into the kitchen and what I saw almost made me fall over.

"Eren what are you doing in my kitchen?"

Whoooppp whoooop I'm back guys! I've been so busy😂

So Petra is an annoying fuck. But anyway, if autocorrect has also been an annoying fuck and replaced words just go with it.
Till next time. (Probs soon)

----meemee_chan xx

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