Chapter IX: Rude Awakenings

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I didn't get a call from Nyla and it seemed as though she was avoiding me all weekend. But I knew i'd see her Monday so I wasn't even tripping. I was anxious to get to school for once because I couldn't wait to see her. 

"Hey baby." I said as I wrapped my arms around her from behind as she stood at her locker.

"Hi." Nyla replied.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Nothing. I'm just a bit under the weather." She turned and gave me a weak smile. 

"You want daddy to take care of you?" I asked kissing her neck.

"Not really. But I really gotta go look over these notes. I'll see you later okay." She untangled herself from me and sped down the hallway. 

"Where's she off to?" Ranae asked as she approached.

"I have no idea to be honest." I answered. "Where's Landon and Rodrick?" I questioned.

"They went to go get some McDonald's breakfast. Don't worry they said they got you." She smiled as we walked to class.

"Hey Kenny." Deandra said as she pushed herself on me.

"What up Deandra?" I said said as I moved her arms from around my neck.

"You always so distant with me. I'm not the one you should be afraid of?" She snapped.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Never you mind." She smiled and walked off. I didn't have time for Deandra or her crazy antics. I got into class and didn't see Nyla there. The bell rang and Rodrick and Landon sped in like a hurricane making it in just in time. 

"We in heeereee!" Rodrick said loudly. I couldn't help but laugh. They took their seats next to me and handed me a McDonalds bag filled with 2 egg McMuffins and hashbrowns. 

"Thanks man." I said as I began to stuff my face.

"Cruz, Johnson, Wright! You plan on sharing with the rest of the class?" Ms. Jerrald questioned.

"Well, alright but y'all niggas gon have to take some small ass bites cause i'm only giving y'all one." Rodrick replied. 

"Breakfast is the most important meal Miss. It helps our brains function." Landon exaggerated.

"Well y'all must always skip breakfast." Ranae laughed.

"Hurry up, finish your food and don't drop any crumbs." Ms. Jerrald said smiling and shaking her head. I couldn't focus in any of my classes, I looked around for Nyla and even texted her but I got no response. Ranae hadn't seen her and neither had I. She said see you later, but I doubted that I would.


I spent the whole day thinking over this whole situation. There was no use in me attending class because I knew I wouldn't learn shit. I sat in the library and read my favorite book, "The 48 Laws of Power". I have read it over a million times but it was my comfort book. It helped me think and figure my ways out of sticky situations. But it seemed like this time, there was no way out. I knew exactly what I had to do, but I didn't know how. I didn't wanna hurt Kenny but my options were limited. I heard the bell ring dismissing last period I walked out to Kenny's car and waited for him to come out. I only had tonight to get the money from him and had no choice but do what I did best, think fast and get my paper. Kenneth walked out with Rodrick, Landon, and Ranae in tow. The look on his face said it all, he was highly irritated with me. 

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