Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Hello Everyone!  I'm back, after yet another (sorry bout that...shameful of me, I know) long break in updates.  I hope that all of you had safe holidays, no matter what you celebrated.  I got a new book for Christmas - The Martian, by Andy Weir.  I haven't finished it yet, and I really like it, so no spoilers please!  So what did you guys do for the holidays/New Year's?  On New Year's Eve I had a Sherlock marathon, and on Jan. 1st, I saw the new Star Wars movie.

Once again, I hope your holidays were great, and that you enjoy this new chapter.  If you do like it, let me know!  There's even a little button where when you press it, you can type letters on your keyboard to tell me things!! 0.0  The wonder!

P.S. The video is just audio, but the song sends a wonderful message and I hope you all love it as much as I do.  Thank you!!  Now enjoy the chapter! :)


When the weekend of Allie's twenty-seventh birthday celebration finally came, she was the first one to arrive, Dad on her heels as she walked through the door.

"Where do I put my stuff?" She asked me first thing. "Same room as last time?"

I checked the pad of paper I had in my hands. "No... you're bunking with Ken. We had to arrange rooms differently so that everyone could fit."

"No problem," Allie said with a smile. "Lead the way."

I showed her where Kennedy's room was, and when we opened the door I shrugged to Allie in apology. Kennedy was sitting in the middle of the room, clothes spread around her covering almost every inch of useable space.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Trying to find something to wear."

"It's a cookout," Allie said. "We're grilling and drinking beer. You don't have to dress up."

Kennedy did nothing but growl in Allie's direction, the sound a tad more animalistic than it used to be.

"Whatever," Allie mumbled and turned to me. "Thanks Jonah. Tell me when other people arrive." She winked at me conspiratorially. "I want to meet Grayson's buddies."

I ran back downstairs and got to the first floor just in time to hear the doorbell ring. I opened the heavy wood and was greeted with a giant hug. To my knees.

I looked down at the little brown-haired girl who was dressed in a pretty blue dress. "Auntie Jonah!" It cried out.

"Hi, Tiffany," I said to the little bundle that was just radiating excitement. "How are you?"

She looked up at me with big eyes. "Where's Uncle Grayson?"

I smiled at her and replied, "He's in the living room, watching TV. You can go and say hi if you want. It's straight ahead."

She nodded so hard I thought her head might fall off and brushed past me to run unsteadily down the hallway. I heard laughter coming up the porch and I looked to see both Damien and Angelina carrying suitcases.

"Here, let me help you," I told them. Angelina's stomach looked even bigger than the last time I had seen it, and I knew she would give birth any time now. I stared pointedly at her stomach. "Are you sure it's just the one?"

She laughed, a light melody floating on the wind. "Oh, yeah. I don't know if I could handle twins."

"How are you, Jonah?" Damien asked me as he pressed a quick kiss to my cheek in greeting.

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