twenty-nine // how it felt to hear you scream

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Extra long chapter for you guys!

--Courtney's P.O.V--

The month of October blew by extremely fast, faster than I would have liked honestly. My birthday was tomorrow and I definitely wasn't ready to be nineteen. I could barely handle eighteen, but I guess if it wanted to take me out, it would have already.

We had a few more stops in Canada before Simple Plan left the tour and I was just a bit uneasy of the long distance relationship Pierre and I were planning to do. He was a successful pop punk singer and I was just a girl that wanted to be an artist, but never wrote a single song in her life. Why would he want to stay with me? I was nothing special.

However, Montreal, Canada was a beautiful place if you didn't count the fact that it was nine degrees out and I was shivering beyond belief. Pierre wrapped his arms around me, pulling me against his body. "I can't believe your hometown is so cold. It's never this cold in October in Columbus."

He chuckled, resting his chin on the top of my head. "I'm a radiator. My body is still warm even if it's really cold. It makes living here easier."

I rolled my eyes, pulling away from him to grab my bag that Josh was holding out to me. "Thanks, Josh."

He smiled at me. "You can go inside of the hotel if you want. Tyler and Jenna are in there checking us in."

"I'll go with you," Hayley announced.

"Girls are so sensitive to cold," Seb remarked.

"Well, we aren't from Canada, you poophole," I responded. My comment made everyone laugh, but I could care less. I just wanted to be warm again.

Hayley held open the hotel door for me and I quickly hurried in, breathing a sigh of relief as the warm air reached my cold cheeks. "I, now, remember why I hated performing in Canada," she mumbled, rubbing her cold hands together. She grinned at me. "Just think, if you stay with Pierre, you might have to live here."

I shivered at the thought. "If that happens, I will die of hypothermia in three days."

Hayley chuckled as we settled down into the gigantic lobby chairs and waited for Tyler and Jenna to finish up at the desk. The day after Tyler and I had our discussion, he approached Jenna and explained his feelings to her. They hadn't officially gotten back together, but they had gotten closer. At least Jenna wasn't moping anymore. However, she found it necessary to rub it in my face.

I didn't exactly know why because Tyler told her that he didn't want to get back together. He wanted to see how everything went after this tour was over before he called the wedding back on. Still, Jenna counted that as her winning the fight. It was honestly ridiculous.

I turned my head to see Taylor and Pierre running into the entrance of the hotel, two bags in their hands and huge smiles on their faces. Their laughter filled the lobby.

"What did you guys do?" I asked. "You wouldn't have ran in here like something was chasing you if you didn't do something."

Pierre was bent over, clutching his stomach in laughter. He could barely find his breath to talk, so Taylor spoke up.

"You know how we have those like water flavoring packets on the bus?" He asked, still laughing. "Well, Pierre and I got a lemonade packet, put it in a water bottle, and made the color a murky yellow instead of bright yellow, and poured it all over Jeff and David. They think it was pee."

Hayley and I had only been in the hotel for less than a minute and our two boys had somehow pulled a gigantic prank and then took off.

"They are going to kill you guys," I remarked, standing up. Pierre finally regained his breath back. "That is why Tyler needs to get everything figured out in in about thirty seconds or Taylor and I are dead."

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