Part 4

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Just, woah. Oh my god. Just.. deep breaths, Alex. Deep breaths.

Well, it turns out I'm not the only half-breed in the world, after all! How lovely. So, I'm really not all that different then. You hear that kids from my school days? You needn't have bothered bullying me! I'm not that important!

So, Caleb.. is just like me. Well, not exactly like me, since I was raised by my parents in a warm, comfortable home and Caleb was practically a lab experiment his whole life. What I don't understand is how the people at his research centre thingymabobsiwhatsit'snamemajigga didn't hear of me until very recently? They must be really secluded and unsociable and not at all very good at their jobs if they're a research centre and hadn't known that there was actually two of what they had been studying. I mean, you'd have thought that they would have at least tried to contact someone or even just looked in the papers! I was in them for about three years. Crappy government facilities.

Caleb told me that he'd run away because he'd heard that they knew of another person going through the same kind of thing as him. He told me, very proudly I might add, of his escape and then how he went to the library to look at the papers. He'd run about 13 marathons worth of distance to make sure he wasn't being followed. He then explained about tracking me down through the address they had printed in the papers. That was our old address because we moved after the paparazzi found out about me, so we wouldn't be continually harassed. The people living in our old house knew where we'd moved to, because we'd told them in case we'd forgotten anything and because they're really nice people, very trustworthy aswell. Obviously not in this case.

They'd told him our current address because they thought he was, quote "a gentleman caller for young Alex". We had both blushed profusely after he said that. Caleb then arrived at our house, to find that we were going out. He'd planned on asking to come in and explain everything in the comfort of our own home, but on a rash decision he presented himself to me in the shop and, well, you know the rest.

Mum and Dad had seen that a good-looking guy was talking to me, so naturally they assumed that they had better come and meet him. Caleb was in the middle of explaining, so he'd had to start over again so my parents could hear the full story. They were both as shocked as I was, perhaps more so that they hadn't known about him, because they are pretty close with the government and stuff. You'd have to be if you had created a new species.

Whilst turning as red as the shirts on the revolting teddy bears, Caleb had also explained about what the guys at the centre had said, about if we 'got together' we'd most likely create a superhuman species that could probably end up taking over the world. Which is not a good idea. Me and people with my DNA running the world? We'd all be dead by the following Tuesday. Anyway, upon hearing about superhuman species creating, my parents both attained twin looks of horror and ushered us all out of the shop, quickly. They'd already sorted out their bed and ordered it to be shipped to the house. They'd had to make the people sign some kind of secrecy documents saying that they wouldn't give out our address to the tabloids.

My mother, Mina (not the original Mina from Dracula's days), asked Caleb where he was staying at the moment.

"Well, actually, I've been kinda living in the woods," he replies, with a sheepish grin.

"Oh, honey, you shouldn't have to do that! You poor boy!" exclaims my mother, her maternal instincts flashing. She looks rather horrified at him sleeping in the woods. Hypocrite. I know for a fact that she used to live like an animal for a while before she met my father. Although, maybe she's just remembering those days.

"It's no bother, really. It's actually better than the uncomfortable bed and surroundings at the centre. It was just too clinical and it smelled really weird. It's nicer to be somewhere more natural for a change," he said, his nose crinkling quite adorably.

No, Alex, you didn't think that!

My mother gives a pondering look for a few seconds, then says, "Why don't you stay with us for a while? We've got a spare room, right next to Alex's bedroom. It's better than the floor, I promise."

"No, I couldn't intrude," Caleb says, although his face looks as though he's contemplating it.

"You wouldn't be! Please, it's the least we can do after you've been in that horrible centre and then in the woods!" she exclaims, almost pleadingly.

"Actually, the least we can do is nothing," I mutter under my breath. My mother gives me sharp glare and Caleb raises his eyebrows at me, the corners of his mouth twitching ever so slightly.

"Well, if it will annoy Alex that much.. of course I'll stay. Thank you very, very much. You're too kind, ma'am," he says, reaching over to ruffle my hair while flashing my mother a huge, toothy grin. I duck under his hand and glare at him. Caleb and my mother burst into laughter.

"None of this 'ma'am' business, thanks! Please, call me Mina. And my husband's name is Brandon. We will help you to the best of our abilities to get away from the centre. Won't we, Brandon?" she enquires.

"Of course, love!" calls my dad, from the kitchen.

"Okay. Well, thank you so much. This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me," Caleb says, looking wistful.

Well, this is just peachy. The cocky, yet very handsome, only other half-breed in the world is staying at my house. Also, if we were to somehow fall in love and end up having kids, they would be an entirely new, superhuman race.

This is not going to end well.

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