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Arsen Blain was the bad boy of Riverbank High. He wears a leather jacket, rides a motorcycle and is practically a living Greek god. Dark brown hair that reminded you of sweet chocolate that melts instantaneously on your tongue and hazelnut eyes like warm caramel tea on a cold winter morning. Except looks are deceiving. He isn't sweet and definitely does not have any kind of warmth to him. 

Mean while Scarlett Millers on the other hand was a ruthless murderer who broke peoples fragile hearts and likes to play the antagonist of everyones lives. Although she didn't quite look the part with her blue eyes that looked like the sky had been bounded there by a spell and light brown waves that naturally draped over her shoulders like a heiress, she was definitely a living villain.

They're a terrible pair. Thats why they hate each other, because in past tales, the bad boy needs a good girl and the cruel heroine needs a nice guy. Thats how it was supposed to be, but not quite how it ended up. A shit storm arises when they both signed the Dating Contract. Lord and behold, the most dangerous and villainous couple, be afraid.

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