Iceburgh and the Gang Episode 6: "Iceburgh-Sitting"

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One evening in Pittsburgh, Fleury is at his house with Iceburgh. He is in his bedroom, running to and fro from his closet to his bed with large amounts of clothing in his arms; on his bed is his suitcase, where he is stuffing his clothes into.
Sitting on the other side of the bed is Iceburgh, who is looking at the goalie, turning his head from side to side to not lose sight of him. The mascot then reaches over to Fleury and taps him on the shoulder, grabbing his attention.
Fleury perks up from the suitcase and looks at him.
Iceburgh does some motions with his hands.
"Oh, I'm packing up, can't you see?" He stuffs some more clothing into the suitcase.
Iceburgh does some more motions with his hands.
"I'm gonna go outta town to see my family." Fleury throws the lid of the suitcase down and pushes it into the suitcase as far down as possible while zipping it up.
Iceburgh places both of his hands on his face, showing an expression of shock; he then makes some more motions with his hands.
"Oh, who, you?" Fleury straightens up. "Don't worry, I got you in good hands."
Iceburgh does some more motions.
"Beau's gonna come and take care of you!"
The mascot does hand motions.
"No, not Beau, the dork on the ice!" the goalie exclaims, placing his hands on his hips.
Iceburgh makes more motions.
"Well, he's Beau Bennett, the, um, the dork on ice...from California!" He throws his hands to his sides.
Iceburgh shakes his head.
"No, you're not gonna die under his care! I wrote an exact plan he's going to follow to take care of you." Fleury pulls out a long piece of paper from his pocket and holds it out to the mascot.
Iceburgh leans toward the list and scans through it, nodding his head in approval.
Fleury rolls up the list and the doorbell rings from downstairs.
"Oh, that must be Beau!" The goalie grabs his suitcase and rushes out of the room with the mascot following him. He runs down the stairs and halts in front of the front door and opens it.
On the other side is Beau, who is wearing a black hoodie with his hood over his head, gray sweatpants, and black hightops; he has a serious look on his face with a frown along with his hands in his pockets. Beau takes one step to go inside the house.
"Oh, hello, Beau!" Fleury starts talking hastily; he points to Iceburgh. "That's Iceburgh, Iceburgh--" He points to Beau. "--Beau, you guys be good, have fun, bye!" He then rushes past Beau and out of the house.
Fleury immediately walks backwards, halting next to Beau. He holds out the list at Beau, but Beau just stares at it, so he pulls his hand out from his pocket and smacks the list into his hand. The goalie then runs off to his car and drives away.
Beau gazes at the mascot with the same, flat expression; he then immediately spreads a huge smile on his face while jumping into to the air, taking his hood off from his head in the process, showing his matted light brown hair. "Hi there, Iceburgh!" Beau exclaims as he circles around the mascot in amazement. "Wow, so you're the mascot of the Pittsburgh Penguins, you're the actual mascot! You root us on, you help us win, you're the best mascot in the league!" He slides up to him and whispers, "Don't let the rest of the mascots hear that now." He slides back away.
Iceburgh does some motions.
"Who, me?" Beau points to himself. "I'm the right wing on the Pens! Y'know, number nineteen, Bennett, Sunshine...?" His voice fades away as he saw Iceburgh shaking his head.
The mascot then does some more motions.
"Yea, they do call me Sunshine! I'm from California! Anyway, your owner, Fleury, gave me this whole list of I-don't-know-what..." Beau holds up the list to his eye level and attempts to read through it. "But you know what? Who cares?!" He pulls the list away from his face and tosses it behind his shoulder. "I got a better plan!"
Iceburgh looks at Beau's action of throwing the list out in horror.
Beau slides up to the mascot and whispers, "Where's the phone?" He then starts zooming around the living room, looking through the drawers, pulling random objects out from their place and throwing them behind him, making a mess in the house, yet the whole time, he has his phone in his hand.
Iceburgh follows Beau, trying to tap Beau's shoulder to grab his attention so that he can motion to him that he has his phone in his hand, but the right wing kept tripping over his untied shoelaces every time he tried.
Beau reaches the dining room table with the living room trashed behind him. He then lifts his hand to his head to scratch it when he realizes that his phone was in his hand. "Oh, there's my phone!" He turns around to see Iceburgh. "Why didn't you tell me it was in my hand all this time? Silly penguin!" He looks at his phone and turns it on. "Okay, let's get pizza! Then we can eat and play video games and all that fun stuff! We are gonna have a blast!"
Iceburgh looks away anxiously as Beau dials up the pizza parlour.

Fleury comes in the next day and sees that his living room is trashed with wrappers for food and boxes of pizza and video game controllers scattered on the floor while the video game's music is still blasting from the TV. He steps over Beau's phone and reaches over for the sofa, picking up the remote control and turning off the TV. Something laying on the ground catches his eye, so he bends over and picks up the item: an empty In-N-Out bag.
"How did this get here? We don't even have an In-N-Out in Pittsburgh!" the goalie exclaims while examining it.
Beau is on the floor and begins to wake up, since he was sleeping. "Why is the carpet all wet?"
Iceburgh gets up and picks an empty soda can, holding it up upside-down at Beau.
"Oh, so you do know," Beau replies flatly as he gets up slowly.
Fleury begins to shout, "Out, out, all of you guys out! You guys are worse than Vokoun! I can't let my wife and daughter see this!" He pushes Iceburgh and Beau out toward the door.
They walk past the door and Beau turns around to face Fleury. "Hey, we should do this another time--"
Fleury slams the door in his face with haste.
Beau blinks for a moment and then looks at Iceburgh. "So, do you want to go to my place?"
Iceburgh shrugs, but then points toward the direction of the Consol Energy Centre.
"What? Practice? It's too early for that!"
Iceburgh runs over to the sidewalk and hails a taxi. He then opens the door, throws in Beau's hockey bag, then grabs Beau himself and thrusts him in there; he climbs aboard and directs the taxi driver to the Consol Energy Centre.
Fleury then runs out of the house, holding Beau's phone in the air. "Wait, Beau! Your..." His voice fades as he sees that the road is empty. He puts his hand down. "Oh well, I'll give it to him during practice." He then turns around and slowly walks back into his house to clean up the mess left behind and get ready for practice.

The End.

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