Chpt. 10 "But Don't...Get Freaked Out..."

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"Hey, guys!" Toews calls out, "it's training time! You guys done playing 'Go Fish'?" He ambles into the main room where Patrick, Brady, Bryce, and Tim were playing Go Fish in not too long ago before they were teleported by Vincent.
Toews gazes around the empty room in puzzlement as he pads deeper into it. "Guys? Kaner? Tom? Bryce? Tim?" He turns himself around multiple times with his robe swaying to his motions, attempting to find the guys.
"What's going on?" he hears Sidney say from behind him.
"Oh!" Toews turns around to face the entrance and looks down, seeing the leader of the Pro 12. "I'm looking for Kaner and the others--they told me they were gonna play 'Go Fish' here."
Sidney cranes his head to the left to see the room past the ruler of the NHL. "It doesn't seem like they're in this room playing 'Go Fish.'"
"Yes, I think I've already established that..." Toews nods his head with uncertainty. "Do you know where they would be at, though?" He begins fiddling his fingers in front of his chest due to his nervousness rising.
"Um...I don't know." He shrugs. "I can go ask the others. I mean, there's twelve of us here, we can't just randomly have four guys missing without us not knowing!"
"You're right!" The Blackhawk points at the Penguin with a small smile growing on his face. "They can't be missing, they must've moved somewhere else in this base." He then pauses in thought. "Sid, can you ask the others where they are and ask them to look all over this building for them?"
"Okie-dokie!" Sidney smiles with closed eyes, giving him a thumbs up. "But wait." He opens his eyes and gazes at the ruler of the NHL. "What would you do?"
"I'll go to my room and track them down. There's cameras in every room, so with that, they can't escape from my eye." He then smirk with a wink.
"Ooo! Tricky, tricky, tricky!" He wags his pointer finger at him.
"It was actually John's idea." Toews shrugs. "Give him the credit."
"Ooo! John is a tricky, tricky, tricky fellow!" Sidney then turns around and begins strolling back to where he came from.
With a deep sigh, Toews breezes across the main room in big strides, coming up to a door. He opens the door, enters the room that is on the other side, and closes it behind him with the lock.
The room is small and rectangular. It is cream-coloured with a window to the left, a dresser to the right, and a bed below the window. Across from him is a desk with many screens, showing different parts of the headquarters above it.
He walks over to the desk and slowly sits himself down with his eyes glued on the multiple screens.
"Okay, where are you guys?" Toews mutters to himself as he types on the keyboard that is propped on the surface of the desk. He hits the enter button and sees as the screens flicker to show different parts of the headquarters.
He narrows his eyes as he scans the screens. "No, no, no, they're not there..." He types some more, presses enter harshly, yet the same results come up. "How could they not be there?" His eyes widen up at the screens. "I would be notified if they left! They must be somewhere around here...!"
He then ceases his complaining when he senses someone standing behind him. With his heart beginning to pick up its speed with trepidation, he notices a pair of menacing eyes reflecting from the screens.
Toews takes in sharp breath and swings his swivel chair around to see who is behind him. But all he sees is his empty room.
"Huh..." He frowns in confusion with his eyebrows furrowed. "That was odd..." He then feels a strange sensation beginning to flow through his body. "What the...?" He places his hands on his chest, feeling the flow of the energy intensifying. He then automatically stretches his hands out into his view, noticing that they are growing slimmer and softer. "What is going on?" he cries out with his voice cracking. He then slaps his hands over his mouth with wide, shocked by how he sounded like.
Millions of thoughts begin shuffling through his mind as he is feeling distorted from the inside out with his heart beating as if he played for the whole 20-minute period without a break. His legs start to slip underneath him with the weird flow rushing through them, causing him to fall face first onto the ground.
Then suddenly, the sensation fades away, leaving Toews alone.
The room is so silent, the breathing of the ruler of the NHL could be only heard. After a few moments, the Blackhawk gradually gets up and warily walks over to the dresser to see if the sensation left any mark physically.
Toews gasps at the reflection of the mirror with a yelp, almost falling backwards onto the bed. The captain then regains composure and rises up again, facing the reflection the mirror is showing.
On the other side of the mirror is a lady that looks like the same age with the same exact eye colour, same exact hair colour, same exact facial features, except her's are of course much more softer. She has wider eyes, rounder face, and longer hair that goes down to her mid-back. She is slim, yet fit, and quite tall, but not as tall as Toews.
Toews touches the hair, realizing that the reflection is doing the same action at the same time. The Blackhawk feels that the hair is long as well. With wide eyes and slow movements, the ruler of the NHL, brings the long hair into view, making one thing confirmed: the lady in the mirror is him.
Toews stares at the mirror in horror while screaming internally. What. Just. Happened. To me?
A knock then comes from the door along with John's voice: "Hello? Kid? Are you in there?"
"Yes--" The Blackhawk immediately covers her mouth once again, hearing that her voice sounds like a girl's. She clears her throat and tries to imitate herself with a lowered tone. "Yes, I'm in here..."
There is a pause from the other side of the door. "Tazer boy, are you well? You don't strike as being yourself."
"Yea, yea, fine..." Toews's eyes wander to the mirror. "...just perfect."
"Don't bear false witness to me," John grumbles. "You don't appear to be fine. Can I be accessible to your accommodation?"
She snaps her eyes at the door knob, which is beginning to shake due to the Islander attempting to open it. "No!" she squeaks, covering her mouth again. "No, no, no...," she finishes saying from behind her mouth.
"And why is that so?"
Toews just stands there, not knowing how to answer. Because I turned into a girl...?
"What are you aspiring to obscure, Jonathan...?" John asks with his voice rising.
Uh-oh, he called me by my full name. I'm getting him mad. "Fine," the ruler of the NHL forces out in a bad imitation of a guy's voice. "But don't...get freaked out..."
Holding his breath, she tip-toes to the door, unlocks it, then slides back to the desk, facing the door.
The door opens and John strolls into the room with his normal nonchalant manner. His eyes then lands on Toews; he raises his eyebrows with surprise. "Ah, who are you, ma'am?"
"It's me-- Jonathan!" Toews hisses out with gritted teeth.
The Islander shoots her an odd look. "What? That engenders no implication--"
"I turned into a girl!" she continues on in the same tone.
"Kid?" John makes a concerned look as he slowly walks closer to her. "What betided upon you?"
"I don't know!" the ruler of the NHL shouts out; she immediately covers her mouth, then slips them away. "I don't know. I just randomly turned into this! Do you know how to get me back to normal?"
"Well, that's the incentive for why I approached you!" John exclaims, leaning away. "Crosby and Cutler are initiating to carry themselves in an uncanny manner, as if they interchanged individualities. Posey is now a gargantuan American Guinea Pig And Müller is orating just one single gibberish word: 'Chmeeps!'" He extends his arms out, like as if he is showing the size of Buster as a guinea pig.
"What?" Toews gawks at the news. "So it's not only me who's going all freaky! Anyone else?"
"No, everyone else has the earmarks of having their apperception in check. But you can restore the society, right?" He reverts his hands toward her.
"Me?" She places her hands on her chest, then quickly removes them. "How?"
"You obtain Nigh-Omnipotence? You can accomplish almost any one thing!"
"ALMOST," she enunciates. "I don't even have the slightest clue of how to get myself back to normal!"
"Well, this calls for an assemblage; see if any extra individuals can aid us circumventing this plight." John scratches his head.
"No!" Toews snaps with wide eyes. "No, no, no! I am not going out there like this!" She extends her hands away from her sides.
The Islander is taken aback. "You're the ruler of the NHL--you must."
"No!" She shakes her head as she drops her arms back to her sides. "No way."
"No need to ail." He takes her wrist gently. "I'll aid you in acclimatizing this crisis. We necessitate you; please." He gazes at her with hopeful eyes.
Toews purses her lips then says begrudgingly. "Fine. For the sake of the group. And the leagues. And our future." Then with a deep breath, she lets John lead her out of the room.

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