Chpt. 2 "Hello, This Is Gorman, Founder Of The NHL, & Yes, I Am Still Alive."

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In the League Leaders Headquarters, Harry has just been hung up on by Luis Suárez. He shakes in fury with a frown as he thrusts the phone on his desk while standing up. Harry is an elderly man with a full set of white hair, wearing a sweater vest and khaki pants. The main room of the headquarters was huge and white room with a desk in the middle that has a huge window behind it, showing the night sky. To the left of the room was a bed, where the second League Leader, Gary, was sleeping in; on the right side was a treadmill along with other gym equipment where Larry, the last League Leader, was attempting to run on the treadmill. He was practically walking less than two miles per hour with his cane, having bad posture.
"I can't believe this!" Harry bursted out with ire. "The bunny just threatened that he was gonna take over all the leagues!" He shook his hands in the air while glaring at the ceiling.
"Bunnies taking over leagues...?" Gary muttered in his sleeping. "...I like bunnies..."
"Not cute, fluffy, cuddly bunnies! We're talking about the bunny! El Conejo!" He slammed his hands flat onto the desk's top.
"What is 'El Conejo?'" Larry asks while choppily strolling on the treadmill.
"MMMMMMMMM!!!" The leader of the League Leaders was on the verge of pulling his hair out. "El Conejo is the nickname of Luis Suárez!"
"AH, NOT Luis Suárez!!!" The sleeping elderly guy cries out while holding onto his pillow.
Harry begins making his way up to Gary. "Yes, the Luis Suárez, El..." He whispered into his ear. "...Coh-neh-ho."
Gary yelps while sitting up straight, waking up from his slumber. "Please, don't let him eat me!!!"
"Aw, 'arry, you just awoke Gary from his sleep!" Larry points out while sticking out his cane toward Gary and Harry. He immediately lost balance since he wasn't using his cane properly and flips onto his stomach and is flung into the wall that is behind him. With a groan, he slides off from the wall in crumbled shape.
Harry shakes his head while looking at what happened to his team member. "Oh, Larry, how many times do I have to tell you to keep your cane on the ground?"
Larry lets out muffled mutters.
"What should we do about El Conejo?" Gary asks Harry while a worried look; he adjusts his sleeping cap.
"We are going to--"
"Attack!" Larry muffed out while sticking his cane up in the air weakly.
"No, dumbo!" Harry snapped. "We do that, we'll all end up with broken backs! We are going to let the others know about this!"
"Oh man, that's a lot of people to call!" The sleepy guy points out.
Harry began making his way back to his desk. "We're not gonna call everyone, we are going to call the founders of the leagues that are targeted by El Conejo!" He sat down behind his desk and picked up his phone. "Which one should I call?"
"The smartest one," Larry suggested while gradually getting up with the help of his cane.
"Smartest one...hmmmm..." The leader placed his elbow on his desk and propped his head on his hand while thinking who to call. "Which founder has the biggest computer in their base?" He then perks up with a smile and lit eyes. "Aha! T.P. Gorman!" He dials Tommy.

In Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, below the NHL Headquarters, in the NHL basement, is Thomas Patrick Gorman, or Tommy Gorman for short.
The hologram-like man is sitting on his desk chair, in front of his huge computer screen, over looking all of the power players.
"Well, it seems like everything's back to normal," he says while clicking on a few things on the screen. "Except I had to change the powers for the teams the EHP members were in." He shakes his head. "Poor EHP guys, if only they knew their doom. At least Tuukka was smart enough to leave the group." He looks at Tuukka's smiling headshot.
The phone begins ringing, making the founder of the NHL stop doing what he's doing; he reaches over to his right to grab the phone and answers it. "Hello, this is T.P. Gorman, founder of the NHL, and yes, I am still alive, how many I help you?"
"Thomas Patrick Gorman!" Harry shouts from the other end.
"Whoa ho!" Tommy pulls the phone away from his ear. "Harry, lower your voice!" He then places the phone back to his ear. "Long time, no see...or should I say, long time, no hear...?" He makes a confused look. "That doesn't sound right--"
"T.P. Gorman, I have no time for your nonsense! I have business to talk about, very important business, league-threatening business!" the leader of the League Leaders snaps.
"League-threatening?" The founder of the NHL leans over his desk, having his full attention on the conversation. "What do you mean, Harry?"
"We got a El Conejo...saying--"
"What's 'El Conejo?'
"Luis Suárez."
Tommy's eyes widens, but then he immediately makes a bewildered look. "Who's Luis Suárez?"
"You don't know who Luis Suárez is?" Harry exclaims in ire.
"Uh, am I suppose to know?"
"He's a soccer player! He played in the World Cup and is the power player of the Uruguay team!"
"Ohhh! Of course I won't know him, he's a soccer player! Sorry, I don't follow soccer, I only do hockey, lacrosse, and horse racing."
"You and your horses," Harry muttered under his breath.
"So, what is this 'Luis Suárez' doing?" Tommy continues on.
"He just called me saying that he is going to take over the six leagues--I believe he meant the top six leagues us League Leaders look over."
"Oh! That includes the NHL...! Oh no..." The founder of the NHL slides his free hand over his forehead and through his hair. "What type of attack is he going to execute?"
"I don't know. He didn't specify. All we know is that he is threatening to take over the six leagues," Harry told him from the other end.
"We don't know this enemy...we don't know his plans...but we can fight against him...we just need our fellow power players to do so...but who?" He frowns while looking at the computer screen.
"I have an idea," the leader of the League Leaders starts. "Since this threat deals with all six leagues, why don't we hold the League of Powers and choose the best power players to deal with El Conejo?"
"The League of Powers?" Tommy's eyes fly open. "We hadn't held that meeting in a long time!"
"Well, it's time to. We hold that meeting, invite all the power players from the six leagues and appoint three from each league to fight against our archenemy. How's that?"
He nods his head slowly, approving the idea. "I think that's the best way to go. When should this meeting be held?"
"First thing in the morning at our, League Leaders, headquarters."
Tommy makes a confused look. "Where are you guys located again?"
"You don't remember? It's New York City!"
"Oh right, right." He nods his head quickly. "Alright, so the League of Powers is being held tomorrow at eight o'clock in your headquarters."
"Yes, sonny, the meeting room of the League Leaders Headquarters! I'll tell the other founders about this meeting. Meanwhile, you can call all your fellow hockey power players about this meeting and choose who should go."
"Alright, I'll definiately be doing that!"
There was a pause. "Oh, before I go, do you remember the one rule of choosing power players in the League of Powers?" Harry questions.
Tommy gapes staright ahead. "Uhhhmmmmm..."
"It's not to choose any masters or members from evil societies."
"Right, right..." He nods his head. "How was a suppose to remember, the last meeting was over half a century ago!
"Well, how do you think I remember, hm?"
There was another pause as Tommy pursed his lips. "Right. Well, I shall get going now. Thank you, Harry, for the warning. See you tomorrow morning!"
"Yes, yes, good night, T.P. Gorman!"
"Good--" Tommy stops talking when he hears Harry hanging up. "Okay then..." He puts the phone down and looks at the computer screen. "Time to choose the power players."

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