Chapter 1

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The first part of this story is the original and uncompleted version that I wrote something like four years ago. It is currently in the process of being re-written/completed and those chapters are posted as a part of this book (everything from the section titled 'Prologue' down). If you want to read this first part, be my guest, however, please be aware that the beginning chapters here have a lot of issues and do not make all that much sense. 


Hello everyone, if anyone even reads this, Sky_Warrior01 here!! This is my first story so please bear with me and my horrible writing. I do not own anything but the plot line to this story. So anyway, please vote, and comment. Thank you!! 😄

"Is everyone in agreement?" asked Ra's al Ghul, his eyes never leaving the screen which showed a picture of a young, black haired, blue eyed boy. He would be perfect, Ra's thought, all he needed was a nudge in the right direction. More like a shove if he was being honest, but he was a villain, he didn't need to be honest.

"He should suit well." Queen Bee love the irony of this plan. Having the Justice League defeated by one of the so called innocents that they protected would be the perfect way to show the world that it was no longer safe. The other members of the Light nodded in affirmation.

"Good, I have sent an operative to extract him." Lex Luthor smiled eerily. The boy didn't know it, but he was now property of the Light, and soon the Flying Graysons would have their wings clipped for good.


It was a beautiful night in Gotham City. The moon was shining, the weather was warm, and Haly's famous international circus was in town. Crowds of excited spectators milled around the tents and ticket booths. The circus performers were preparing for their acts and doing last minuet checks on equipment. Everyone was so busy and totally focused on the task at hand that no one noticed the one child there who did not wear a smile on his face, the only child who was absolutely terrified.

Richard John Grayson, he preferred to be called Dick, cowered between the elephant and lion cages, shrinking into the shadows hoping to escape the scary looking man who had cornered him there. "I don't like you!" Dick screamed, "Go away!" The man continued to approach him, his orange and black mask glinting maliciously in the moonlight, his hand pulling out a syringe that contained a bright purple liquid.

Richard tried to scream for help but the man was faster, his hand covering the boy's mouth. He tried to wriggle away, but the man was holding him too tightly and as Dick continued to struggle, the man injected him with the needle. Dick's body went limp, and the man moved away from him.

"Get up." The man ordered, "You will now do everything I say." Dick obeyed him, his mind felt like it had been pushed out of his body, watching it move without his permission. He fought against it, trying to regain control but his body refused to listen to him.

"I will do everything you say." Dick's voice sounded slightly forced, as if it was hard to get the words out.

"Good boy," Dick could practically see the man's sadistic smirk. Dick hated smirks. "Here is what I want you to do..."
The man proceeded to detailedly explain how he wanted Dick to murder him parents. Dick was horrified. He would not kill his parents. He wouldn't! He pushed his conscience into the wall blocking it from his body, fighting against the mind control.

He was so focused on breaking through that he didn't notice when his body started moving, or when his hands reached out and cut part of the trapeze wires. The battle for his body continued as his parents came and told him to get ready for the family act, and it was still raging as the acts before theirs came to a close. Only as Dick and his parents climbed the ladders up to the trapeze platforms did the boy break off the mental battle to check his surroundings. He saw the crowd and his parents climbing ahead of him and knew he was out of time.

Dick tried again to move his body and tell his parents of the danger they were in, but his body continued to disobey him. They reached the top of the ladder and stepped onto the platform. Mary Grayson turned to her son who was being unusually quiet. 'Probably just nerves,' she thought. She kneeled down next to him and smiled reassuringly. "It's time to fly my little Robin." She said and then rose and waved with her husband as the spotlight turned on them. Dick's panic increased. He had to brake free. He had to warn his parents.

"And now the performance you have all been waiting for... Please welcome the Flying Graysons!" Announced the ringmaster, Pop Haly. "As always they perform their gravity defying feats without the use of a net!"

John Grayson waved once more and grabbed the bar,  swinging out over the chasm below. He soared from bar to bar, gracefully flipping and twisting in the air. The performance was going perfectly, or so everyone thought. Things went wrong the second Mary Grayson added her weight to the trapeze. She swung fluidly off the platform, her hands outstretched confidently knowing that her husband would catch her, but as John Grayson's large hands grasped Mary's small ones, the weakened wire snapped and they both fell screaming to their dooms. Richard had been concentrating on pushing through the barrier blocking his conscience from his body, but as he heard the screams of his parents, he gave one final furious effort and suddenly broke through into his body.

"Mami! Tati!" Dick cried as he rushed forward and tried to grab his parents hands. It was too late. John and Mary Grayson hit the floor with a sickening crack. Dick's body shook. He had done this. This was all his fault. 'I should throw myself off after them', he thought. But he stayed where he was, frozen, staring in horror at the bodies of his dead parents. Dick felt on the verge of tears, but he didn't cry, he couldn't. His fault. All his fault. His parents were no longer with him and it was his fault.

Dick unfroze and scrambled down the ladder, trying to reach the bodies of his parents, pushing past the crowd of people that surrounded them. Maybe they were still alive, they were acrobats after all, they knew how to fall. After what felt like years, Dick finally reached his fallen parents. They lay on the ground, unmoving. Blood was everywhere. There was no hope, there was only the cold hard truth. Mary and John Grayson were gone and they weren't coming back.

Dick turned and ran. People called after him, telling him to stop, that it would be okay. He knew that it wouldn't be. He had killed his parents. Dick kept on running. He was crying freely now, his vision was blurry and his eyes half closed. Not paying any attention to where he was going, Dick ran into something solid and when he looked up, all he could see was a blurry orange and black mask. The man grabbed him and pulled a rag over his nose and mouth.

Dick fell limply to the ground, and Deathstroke the Terminator reached for his communicator. Richard John Grayson was now under the complete control of the Light. Their master plan was in motion.

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