Chapter 6

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Dick felt like he was drowning, his conscience sinking through an ocean of darkness. How long had he been like this? He couldn't remember. It felt like an eternity, drifting listlessly through a haze of oblivion, unaware of anything happening around him, perfectly willing to stay there and never wake up.

Unfortunately, that was not going to happen. Dick felt himself being pulled out of the darkness, rushing up from its dark shadowy depths. He could feel his body, weak and feeble, and he could hear the sounds of birds chirping and footsteps, sounding as if they were echoing out from a tunnel.

He tried to open his eyes, and was surprised at how heavy they felt. Why was he so weak? What happened to him? He couldn't remember.

After what seemed like hours, Dick managed to force this eyelids open, closing them again as the brilliant sunlight filtering in from a window made them water and burn. It was too bright. He couldn't remember anything being this bright.

After giving his eyes a moment to adjust, he opened them again, taking in his surroundings. There was a massive window on his right, and the walls were a pale grey color. He was lying on a large, every comfortable bed, and there was some type of medical machine that had tubes which were connected to his arms through needles.

The room its self was massive, larger then anything he could ever remember seeing. Where was he? How did he get here? He couldn't remember anything besides his name, and even then, he only could remember his first name.


Nothing else. Just Dick. What kind of parent would name their kid Dick? There had to be something else, but no matter how hard he thought, he couldn't remember. It was just a big blank.

Dick looked up startled as someone opened the door. It was an old man. The man came into the room and shut the door behind him. Who was this person? He did not look particularly friendly.

The man turned around and his eyes met Dick's. He looked startled, almost shocked. The man quickly approached the bed, stopping once he had reached Dick's side.

"Why hello, young master." The man spoke with a British accent. "I see you have finally woken up."

Dick flinched away as the man tried to check his temperature. He felt disoriented. Everything was strange and new. Where was he?

"You are at Wayne manor, the home of Bruce Wayne. I am Alfred, Master Wayne's butler. You have been in a coma for a long time." The man, newly christened Alfred, pulled out some kind of communication device, and appeared to send some kind of message. "I have alerted Master Bruce that you are awake. He should be here shortly."

Dick was already beginning to zone out, his body not used to being awake. As Dick's eyes fluttered shut, he saw a middle aged man come hurriedly into the room, joining Alfred by the side of the bed. I wonder who that is, Dick thought, and then his eyes closed, sending him back into oblivion.


When Dick woke up, it was dark outside. His room was dimly lit my a single lamp that was sitting on a table beside his bed. He was alone.

Dick sat up, surprised at how much effort that simple movement took. His muscles and bones groaned in protest. He swung is legs out from under the covers, placing them on the cold wood floors. Shivers and chills shook his frame, but he just gritted his teeth and tried to stand.

The instant he put his full weight on his feet, he collapsed, landing hard on the floor. His limbs like putty, unable to support his weight. There was the sound of hurried footsteps, and someone burst into the room.

The younger man from earlier knelt down beside Dick and gently picked him up, placing him back onto the bed.

"You okay, chum? You really shouldn't try to walk yet. You were out for over a year." The man looked concerned, worry evident in his eyes.

Dick cringed. Over a year? What happened? Why couldn't he remember anything? Who was this person, and why did he care?

"I'm Bruce, by the way. Bruce Wayne. This is my house." Bruce smiled reassuringly, trying to make the boy feel welcome. "You had quiet the accident before we brought you here. Do you remember anything?"

Dick shook his head. Accident? What kind of accident? Was that why his memories were gone? He started to panic. What if he never remembered?

"Hey! Calm down, kiddo. Everything is going to be fine." Bruce was worried. If the child continued like this, then he would have a full blown panic attack. That would not be good. Bruce gently grabbed the boy's shoulders and made him look at him. "It's okay. You are alright. I will do everything in my power to help you get your memory back."

Dick looked up at Bruce with tear filled eyes. He hated himself for breaking down like this. He felt like he should know better. Maybe he did know better. He pulled away from him, flopping back down into the mound of pillows at the head of the bed.

Bruce looked at the boy, his eyes studying his thin frame, taking in the bones showing clearly through his pajamas. This child needed actual food. There was only so much a food drip could do for you. He would get Alfred to bring something up later. Right now, it looked like the boy was going to fall back asleep.

"Do you have a name, kiddo?" Bruce wasn't sure that the child would answer. According to Alfred, the boy had yet to utter a single word.

Dick still did not want to talk. Something told him that he shouldn't. Maybe it was some faint memory, or maybe it was just an instinct. Whatever it was, Dick decided that he trusted this man, and so as he drifted back into oblivion, he uttered his first words in over a year.

"D-Dick. M-my name is Dick."

Bruce smiled. "Well, Dick, welcome to Wayne manor."

AN: This would have been up earlier, but I am sick and I kinda passed out while writing.
You guys remember the poll from the previous author's note? Well, here are the results so far:

TheLastFlyingGrayson : 42

Evil-Bat-Cat : 28

Me: 1

I want to thank all of those who voted in the poll for helping prove me right. Olly and Ari were complaining about how bad their stories were and had some weird delusion that mine was better. I disagreed and so we decided to put it to a vote and let the readers decide. You guys voting for them proved my point.

In you faces, Olly and Ari!!!! I told you so!!!!

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