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A/N: natemaloski was going to write this story, but she had too much going on already. So I decided to do it myself because I think it's interesting enough to write. She did help me start it by helping out with the prologue. So yeah, hope y'all like it!

|Third POV|

"Jack!" Isabelle Healy giggled as the two 10 year olds raced down the hill covered of white snow.

"Come on Izzy!" Jack laughed running through the winter snow.

"The snows getting in my eyes!" Izzy groaned and stopped running placing her hands on her face.

Jack cared about her so he came to a halt and looked back worriedly as Isabelle rubbed her eyes.

"Let me see." Jack was by her side and moving her hands from her face.

"Sucker!" Isabelle yelled with an evil laugh and took off leaving Jack stunned behind her.

"You're gonna pay!" Jack yelled and ran after her.

Their goal was to reach the trees that stood at the base of the snowy hill. Whoever reaches there last would eat the winners mushrooms at Christmas dinner.

"Try to beat me now!" Isabelle ran with her dark brown hair flying behind her.

Jacks dark hair glistened in the late sunset. The snow was pure white against his black snow boots as they raced.

Just as they came close to base, Jack tailed Isabelle and grabbed her parka.

"No!" Isabelle laughed as Jack tugged and they both tumbled down the rest of the way.

Giggling they both landed at the base of the snowy hill - amongst the high trees. They untangled their limbs and Jack stood first.

"Guess we both win." Jack grinned and helped Isabelle up after.

"It's a tie!" Isabelle groaned and looked up to the sky only to find a small familiar leaf dangle above their heads.

Jack gulped noticing what Isabelle was looking at. He looked down and suddenly her face was closer, so close that he could see the gray flecks in her blue eyes.

"Mistletoe." Isabelle whispered.

They were alone. Isabelle's house that was only a few steps away seemed further out. Their parents weren't going to see them now.

"Mistletoe." Jack nodded and leaned closer.

Isabelle grinned and closed the distance between them, pressing her lips to Jacks.

It was a short kiss. But long enough for Isabelle and Jack to blush deeply and avert gazes once broken apart.

"That was-" Jack started.

"Yeah." Isabelle laughed shyly.

Just as Isabelle was about to turn and start the walk to her house for Christmas dinner - everything went wrong.

Three men. Dressed in nothing but black. And surrounding Isabelle and Jack.

"Izzy." Jack grabbed his best friends hand immediately.

The three men dressed in black advanced on the kids and managed to separate the two - tossing Jack aside and grabbing Isabelle.

"Run Jack! Run!" Isabelle yelled as the three men restrained her.

"Leave her alone!" Jack yelled but didn't sound convincing.

The men laughed. Then they covered her face with a black bag and took her with them leaving a youngJack shocked and terrified.

That was the last time Jack Gilinsky ever saw Isabelle Healy.


Losing You ✦ Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now