✦chapter 1✦

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|Octavias POV|

My friends Stacy, Blake and I decided to move to Nebraska. I know out of all the places Nebraska? Stacy and Blake both got accepted to Nebraska University and we've been friends since I was 12 so it would only make sense to move in together.

It's the summer of 2016 and we figured it would be best to start moving into the little house we got together in Omaha, Nebraska. I on the other hand won't be going to college, pathetic I know. But I plan on applying to Nebraska University next year. I have the GPA and the SAT ACT scores to go, I just wanted to take the year off.

"Octavia!" Stacy said as she brought a box into the kitchen.

"Huh?! Oh sorry, I was just thinking."

"Well come on, Blake and I can't be doing all the work." Stacy said.

"I'm going, I'm going!" I laughed as I jogged to the moving truck to get a box.

"Look who decided to help," Blake chuckled.

"Shut up," I laughed.

I grabbed a box and looked up to meet eyes with a tall tan looking guy. He had dark brown eyes and dark brown hair. He shot me a smile and I smiled back and started to walk into the house.

"Stacy!" I whisper yelled.

"Octavia!" Stacy mocked me making me laugh.

"There's a hot guy outside!" I whispered to her.

"Why are you whispering?" Stacy whispered.

"Oh I don't know." I said in a normal voice laughing.

"Were you talking about the hot guy that's at the door?" Stacy said looking out the door.

"What?!" I whisper yelled with eyes.

"Kidding!" Stacy laughed.

"Stace!" I laughed, "you can't do that!"

"Come on let's go see if he's still out there." Stacy laughed.

We walked outside to find Blake talking to the guy I was talking about along with a blonde blue eyed guy just a bit shorter than the other one.

"Is it the one Blake is talking to?" Stacy asked as we walked to the moving truck.

"Yes, the tall one." I whispered.

"Oooo he's hot," she giggled.

"Shut up," I laughed.

We both grabbed a box, and as we started to walk towards the house I felt someone's eyes on me. I turned to look at the guy and he was staring at me like if he knew me.

Next thing I know I tripped over a water hose that was laying on the side walk. I heard Stacy burst out laughing.

I looked down at the ground to not make eye contact with anyone, then I felt someone run towards me and help me up.

"Are you okay?" The tall brown eyed guy asked me.

"Uh, yeah stupid water hose got in my way," I slightly laughed.

"I'm pretty sure you were the one walking over the water hose." He laughed.

I felt my face heat up of embarrassment.

"Maybe if someone didn't leave it laying around I wouldn't have tripped over it." I said as I started to pick up the box.

"Here, I've got it." He smiled as he took the box from my hands.

"Oh, thank you." I smiled.

"I'll follow you," he said.

I started to walk into the house with Stacy in front of me.

"Oh, that goes in her room." Stacy spoke up.

I wide eyed Stacy giving her the 'what the hell look' and turned back to the guy, gave him a smile and motioned him to follow me.

"Just set it down right there." I said pointing next to my closet.

"Alright," he set it down and took a step back turning to me to look at me.

"You look very familiar, whats your name?" he asked.

"Oh, I'm Octavia. Octavia Donati," I smiled, "You?" I asked.

"Jack Gilinsky," he smiled. "Donati...Italian?" He asked.

"Yeah, my dads Italian." I smiled.

"Nice. I swear you seem familiar, have you lived in Omaha before?" He asked as he slid his hands in his front pockets.

"Nope first time ever even being in Omaha." I giggled a bit.

"Well you look familiar but your name doesn't ring a bell." He added.

"Maybe you got me mistaken for one of your side hoes." I laughed.

"Me to even have a side hoe is crazy to think about," he laughed.

"Well I'm sure if I ever met you I would remember." I smiled as I felt my face heat up.

"Well, I should go back to unloading the moving truck." I said as I started to walk towards the door.

"I can help if you want," Jack added.

"I'm not going to make you help," I said as we made our way outside.

"Looks like Johnson is already helping," Jack said looking over to the blonde hair blue eyes guy.

"Johnson?" I questioned.

"Yeah he's my best friend." Jack smiled as we walked to the moving truck.

"Do you two life together?" I asked as I grabbed a box.

"Yeah, we're your new neighbors." Jack said grabbing a box.

"Better than having a cranky old man." I laughed.

"Very good point." Jack chuckled.

Jack and his friend Johnson helped us unload the truck and they even helped unpack. We went over to their place and ordered pizza. Jack is pretty cute but something about him seems familiar. I'm pretty sure it's nothing, I'm probably just thinking that because he told me that I seemed familiar.


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