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"Seriously, are you having some obsession with COD?!"

"Like you can talk, you think a knight will come and rescue you from a goblin?"

"You mean a witch."

"They're the same, look all exactly like you."


"Can you both please shut your mouths?!"

Pete, a photographer, bellowed to stop our fight. His voice was so deep and thick with Spanish accent that I couldn't help but be scared. Looked like the man didn't only freaked me out, because Logan became silent as well.

Logan and I were in the building for the Glamorous magazine, a place where most models, artistes, actors and also actresses do their photo shoot. According to Lisa, most new-faced celebrities made their first debut here and become famous after being on the front cover.

So I was here for a, you know, photo shooting. It was my first task and, surprisingly, it was not a solo job. Logan had to do it with me and we had to choose a theme for it.

Apparently Logan said he wanted this war theme, with guns and soldiers and stuff. But I, on the other hand, wanted something medieval since it looked quite popular in movies on the cinemas these days.

"Look," said Pete, "I rather be in my office and have some ice tea right now and I know you have something to do yourselves as well. But if you both kept arguing like this my ice tea won't be in my hand."

"Hey, do you think all he cares about is his drink?" Whispered Logan. I chuckled and grinned.

"Looks like it, his excuse is so cute." I whispered back, Logan laughed a little but too loud with made Pete turned around and gave me a death glare.

"I heard that!!!"

Pete yelled, his cheeks turning red. Logan did a high five with me and I smirked. Now the professional photographer was on his murdering mode since his face looked ready to kill. Uh-oh.

But that murderous mood on his face disappeared almost immediately.

"Seems to me like you both have something in common. I think I know what theme suit you guys the most."

I gulped down my saliva as I saw Pete's confident smile. I shouldn't called it a smile since it looked so evil.

I got a bad feeling about this.

*~*~ SCSL~*~*

"No way in hell!!!"

"Come out now. It can't be that bad." I heard Pete's calm voice outside the changing room, and Logan's laugh not so far away.

"Well, but it is." I pouted.

"Leonardo, have some confident in yourself."

"And don't call me THAT!!!! WHO TOLD YOU THAT NAME!!??"

I screamed as I opened the door angrily, greeted with Logan's laughter and Pete's thoughtful face. Heck, Logan knew that I would lost my head when someone said my real name. Smart, Lee, well done.

"Oh my god, Leo, is that you?!" Logan said between laughs. His face was pink and his eyes were watery. He put both his hands against his stomach and bend down nearly to his knees, like he was having a painful stomachache. It was true that I wanted him to have a good time, but somehow his laughter was beginning to piss me off.

My face turned crimson as I looked down at my outfit.

A chessboard-patterned crimson skirt, its length below my knees. For the upper garment I got a plain black sleeveless t-shirt and a crimson blouse to match my skirt. Pete didn't forget to give me a thin, crimson scarf to make me look even more ridiculous. Godless, who wear this in 2013?! And look at these black heels, now I looked like a business woman from some the 19s movies.

Special Cast, Special Love [Logan Lerman's Secret Tale]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt