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"A movie? Me?"

I asked, feeling surprise as I pointed at myself. Lisa nodded with a smile before looking for something inside her handbag. It didn't take too long for her to find a white envelope.

"Apparently the Hollywood team forgets to inform me about movies so I was a minute too late. But I was lucky enough to get you the last position." Lisa said as she handed the letter towards me. I stared for a moment before running my eyes through them in my head.

To you who it may concern,

we are the students from CalArts and we are looking for an actor to take a place on our short film, which will be participate on the film festival this coming month. If you are experienced in acting, singing, playing music instruments, don't mind working with sophomores and have sense of humor you are very welcome. For further information please contact the number down below.

Thank you very much for your time.

"CalArts?" I looked at Lisa as soon as I finished, "California Institution of the Arts?"

"You know your films schools," Lisa commented and smiled awkwardly. I grinned dryly as I read the letter over once more. The wordings they used were very casual so I guess these people are around my age. Call me crazy, but I'm beginning to like this person who wrote this letter already.

"I'm very sorry," Lisa apologized, "if I was quicker I would've picked a better one."

"What are you talking about?" I laughed, "CalArts is one of the top five film schools around and a lot of famous directors graduated from there ,right? These students won't be regular students to get into that school. Plus, teenagers are full of energy. They will be fun to work with, I'm sure."

"You talked like you aren't one." Logan butted in. I sighed mentally. Here we go, I am trying to cheer his mum up, and he just has to come and ruin my plan.

I was going to say something sarcastic back at him but Lisa was already at it. I grinned behind my hand while I watched Logan whined in pain as Lisa pulled his right ear. Go, Lisa, show the brat what you've got.

"Ow ow OW. Stop that, mum!!!!"

"What? You're hurt?! Think before you open your mouth next time!!!!" Lisa seemed to pull harder because Logan's cry went louder than before.

"But it's true, isn't it?!?" Logan yelled in pain, "Some of the participants got to be in an actual, actual movie. And with real actor, no less. And what do we got? A short film for a festival."

"Why you---"

"It doesn't matter," I cut Lisa off; "I don't care if my role will be small or the movie I'm in is not famous."


"I'm not even a real actor yet; this short film created by a bunch of students is for me."

The room went dead silent, but I wasn't troubled by it. Lisa glanced at Logan and gave him a 'apologize now' look and Logan just looks at me.

"I'll drive you there." He said.

I smiled briefly before getting my phone out and dialed the number.

*~*~ SCSL~*~*

Next morning

"From here to McBean Parkway is like, what, 34 minutes?"

"How accurate."

"I know, Google is."

I raised an eyebrow and got into the car. I unlocked my phone and texted Meg. I have to update my life for a bit, or else they will be really mad when I go back.

Special Cast, Special Love [Logan Lerman's Secret Tale]Where stories live. Discover now