Chapter 4: Bayonetta

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I looked at the creature that Meta Knight had described as Master Core. But still, I had to be careful.

"Meta Knight! Is that Master Core?" I asked.

"Yes, it is! Bayonetta, Corrin, this is Cloud." Meta Knight gestured to the teenager with blonde hair and a large sword.

"Lemme guess...more help form other worlds." A voice said from behind me.

"Snake! Here to help?" Meta Knight said to the voice, who was a slightly middle-age militant man. Snake nodded.

"Let's go!" Corrin said and charged at Master Core. What an idiot, charging at the threat alone. Then again, I'm guilty of that as well. I thought, and charged with him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Cloud close his eyes and a blue aura started forming around him...

"You're just running pointlessly to your death!" Master Core shouted, effortlessly swatted Corrin aside. Corrin gave a small cry as he landed before rolling back and standing up.

"Where's the rest of your group, Master Core?" Meta Knight said in a taunting voice.

"Those traitors left me as soon as those doors opened! Guess they didn't like my new leadership..."

"No, their eyes were opened, and they saw your organization-and your-evil." Snake said, and shot a rocket at Master Core. It his Master Core head-on, but he showed absolutely no signs of pain. I charged, and jumped up to use my downward After Burner Kick, popping Master Core into the air. I then followed up with another After Burner Kick, a reverse After Burner Kick, and a move called Witch Twist, making me spiral upward while damaging Master Core, two more After Burner Kicks, and another Witch Twist. I landed on my feet, however, Master Core wasn't as lucky. But, after all that pain, he just stood back up.

"Take this!" Cloud shouted, and swung his sword at supersonic speed in a light blue pattern at Master Core before hitting him away. Then, while Master Core was reeling from the blow, Cloud thrust his sword forward, impaling Master Core, then hit Master Core up into the air and back down with an overhead strike. But, just as Master Core has proven with my combo, it didn't faze-or seem to harm him-at all. Snake charged at Master Core, faked a right hook, and uppercutted Master Core, then followed up with a mid-air dropkick and a heavy heel kick.

"Now, feel the pain you caused our world!" Snake shouted, and pulled out a glowing sphere. He broke it, and a rainbow aura enveloped him. "Showtime." Snake said, and a helicopter appeared out of nowhere and Snake hopped on. What is this..?! I thought as Snake produced a grenade launcher and started emptying it's ammo onto-and, in some cases, into and out-until it was empty, and then, when he had emptied the second clip, the put it away, and the helicopter vanished. Corrin followed up, his head turning into an odd shaped helmet, and his free arm turning into a long point, and it went through Master Core, pinning them to the ground. They stood still for a moment or two, then Corrin's head and arm went back to normal and he kicked Master Core away before flipping back to us. Meta Knight followed up with a downward three-hit strike, a move where he spun like a tornado but didn't turn into one exactly, and then he disappeared. Half a second later, he hit Master Core so hard Master Core hit the cliff and made it crumble on top of him.

"We did it! We did it!" Corrin shouted, but Meta Knight didn't join in.

"There's no way. It has to have more energy than that..." 

As if on cue, the rocks covering Master Core exploded, sending debris all over the place and all over us.

"Now it's my turn!" Master Core said, and screamed at the top of his lungs. We were blown back by the force of it like rag dolls. While we were reeling, Master Core leaped to us and grew two more arms. He grabbed the five of us and shoved us into his pseudo-transparent body, then spit us out, damaging us the way out and by the force of our landing. Dust went up, and a crater was formed where we landed. Master Core laughed in spite of us. Is Bayonetta...dies? I thought, and suddenly I heard a voice.

"Meta Knight, Snake, and you three! Get on!" A rough voice said from behind. Meta Knight didn't say anything, but his eyes narrowed.

"It's okay, Meta Knight! They have all of us!" A nicer-sounding voice said. Meta Knight shook his head, then sighed.

"Everyone, come on!" He shouted, and we followed him to an airship, where a teenager with a large, weird-looking red sword and an evil-looking warlock were waiting. We got inside, and they shut the door.

"Go, go, go!" The warlock said, and the airship lifted up. We heard Master Core try to grab us out of the sky, but he missed; we were too far up. But no door, no matter how sound-proof, thick, or heavy, could hide the loud banshee scream of Master Core's anger as we lifted off to an unknown place...

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Book TwoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora