Rainhoes and Uniwhores (July 8th, 2013)

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 (Joe) Nah, I just needed a title for the chapter. No, I'm not gay if anyone's wondering. Or bi. I don't have anything against them. Why am I even talking about this? And I just realized Wattpad is being a bitch and won't let my title show up.


Have you noticed some people say "Anywhore"? What the fuck?



I love you guys too. Unless your another guy. Then... yeah. Still Joe here. It's bout 8 PM when I'm writing this. I'm tired though, so I'm not thinking when I write. I mean I am, but in a sense- ah fuck it. I'm too tired to explain it.

In the comments below, let us know what you want us to write. Leave questions also. Or inbox them. Either or will do. I was about to say "Either whore" but I'm not like that.


You're all probably thinking I'm insane. The girls will probably read this and think (what the hell Joe?)

I can see their reactions in my mind. Especially my twin.

Did I mention I had a twin? She's a year older than me and we don't share the same blood. So she's my twin. Does that make sense? No? Good.


Hey I didn't say anywhore.


So yeah, vote or comment or whatever you want to do. Though if you do want to vote for something worthwhile, vote for our books on our separate accounts.

So yeah, see ya guys later.

-Joe a.k.a. Mr. Zipper, Mr. STB, Kicked Puppy, Joe Mocha, and the list goes on.


Forgot to mention I got my lil bro to say "fucker" today. Oh well. BYE!

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