Joe's Good Bye (October 5th 2013)

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Hey everyone, it's Joe. So we're going to end this journal with all of us writing a separate entry. I don't know how everyone will do theirs or how even mine will go, but I think I'll just write my mind. After all, isn't this whole book was written?

I think writing in this journal has helped us all vent a little bit. I think this will also help those of you who are like us; Teenagers who are in high school, who are at war with the world but at peace with it at the same time. Hopefully you'll take away some of the life lessons we've written down and apply them to real life.

So, how to start an official good bye? I don't know. I really don't know. I guess I'll start by saying, thanks for reading. We obviously did not expect to have seven hundred reads on our book. Well I can speak for Shay, Emi, Bri and I. I'm not too sure about my twin. Nah wait she and I are twins so scratch that.

"How can you see into my eyes? Like open doors? Leading you down into my core, where I've become so numb. Without a soul, my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold."

Sorry, Evanescence just came on and I type sang.

Where was I? Oh yeah. I can't speak for Mary because, you know, she hasn't even been on this account. Except once. Maybe. I am now considering that was Bri pretending to be her.

As you may have already noticed, I am not in the best of moods. I shall try and keep this moderated. If I burst out yelling, that'll be a life lesson right there won't it? Don't talk to Joe when he's in a bad mood. He'll either start yelling or end up hurting himself.

Like a kicked puppy!

Who remembers that? I seriously will fan a person on my personal account if anyone remembers where that came from.

Oh no Bruno Mars came on. I skipped the song because it was one of his sex songs. Now 'Brave' by Sara Bareilles is on my iHeart Radio. I am now satisfied.

Where were we? Kicked puppy? No we already covered that. Let me scroll up and see if I can find another starting point or where I left off.

Thank you for the seven hundred and plus reads. If someone reads this in about a year, it'll have thousands of reads once we win the Watty Awards. Hah I'm actually going to place a bet on this with one of the girls. I bet that we won't win the Watty Awards.

I mean Lez be honest people! Ellen DeGeneres is.

Now process that.

Yeeeeaaaah when you talk to the kicked puppy mood it also brings out the perverted mood.

"Oooo, oooo, oooo, oooo, Woke up in London yesterday, found my self in a city near Piccadilly."

OneRepublic is now on. I think my good mood is here! Yay!

Oh no I see the darkness! It's coming in! My army of kicked puppies, fight it off!

Oh no, Captain, uh what should one of my puppies be named, Owen! No Owen isn't a kicked puppy! Or is he... I still got to get to know him but he's awesome, the girls would like him. Oh wait they've already met him. Scratch that then.

Maybe he likes one of the girls. Oh that'd be interesting. I'd say which girl Owen might like but naaaah because it might not be true cause I don't know the guy well enough yet! He did got to the Cathedral school, he does cross country, and he's reeeeaaalllly tall.

I feel like a dwarf next to him. Then again I am probably the tallest out of the shortest freshman in the freshman class. Nah scratch that. I'm short. Why must I be short? This doesn't make any sense!


Okay, honestly, if you have read this far in our journal, you have GOT to remember that. That is one of the first things you read when you read the first entry.  


Well perhaps I should wrap this up? But we still need two pages in order to enter this "Short Story". Yeah I'll just change it from 'Other' to 'Short Story'. I mean honestly people, this is really like a short story. Da? We we? Si? Yes? Ita?

Dude I just spoke five different languages right there. If I got a girl, that'd be five girls! Hah too bad I'm a dedicated man to by beautiful-

Oh my gosh I am fucked up. I almost revealed some of our real lives to you. In case you haven't noticed. But I just keep typing! Oh I have another bet! I will pay the girl (or girls in case there's more than one) that writes more than me. Cause seriously, this is a bitch ass long entry.

Holy shit I am fucked up. WHICH ONE OF YOU IS A DOCTOR? I NEED A DOCTOR!

Op I'm yelling now. I think I will wrap this up.


Oh gosh. Okay.

First, don't do drugs. Seriously, fourteen high scholars got expelled from my school. And one is DYING.

Sweet baby Jesus what has this world gone to. First it's me having multi personal disorder and having to go back to 'be' to change it to 'me'. Second it's like I'm just jumping from topic to topic.

Okay, now it IS life lesson time.

Seriously, no drugs. You will fuck up your WHOLE life with just ONE dose.

Second, behave for us, okay? We ask you about your day and try and help you and LOOK! We even sign your paper lunch bags with 'Mom' or 'Dad'! That's how much we love you! So please, behave? Good little child, have a cookie.

Third, here's the life lesson I've written down earlier in the journal I want you to really take away. Sabrina has also stressed this as I have read the past fifty entries.

Be who you are. Please. I beg you. You won't be happy unless you are who you are meant to be. Trust me, it is not worth your time or anyone else's. Because guess what? There's only one of you in the seven billion people in the world. One. No one is exactly like you. So embrace that! Know that you are considered "perfect" if you look at who you are! Yeah, no one is perfectly perfect. But you can be beautifully imperfect.

Thank you everyone for voting and reading. I seriously don't want this to end. But, it's time to end this.

Good bye friends. Good bye readers.

Good bye my wonderful beautifully imperfects.

This is Joe, signing off.

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