Chapter 3: Surprise

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I just wanted to thank you all again for supporting my story so far. I'll try and update every day or every other day. Also please don't bug me about Adrian's eye color, I found out AFTER posting chapter 2 that his eyes are light green.

The final school bell had rung, Adrian had looked up from his seat as everyone began to look for Marinette who had are ready packed her things and left. He sighed lightly as he gathered his things and quickly left the room to look for his best friend. Nino was blowing bubbles like normal outside of the school building, his headphones next to his as he looked up from what he was doing and waved to his best friend. "Hey dude," Nino said coolly as he dipped his bubble wand into the soap in the small bottle in his hand.

"Hey." He said walking up to him, his blond hair sometimes getting in the way. He smiled his prize-winning smile that most of the girls at school died for. His friend grinned before blowing some bubbles his way before speaking. "So what are you doing today?" He asked looking at him. He pondered the question for a moment before replying, he had a lot of things planned but he also had his other job which was saving Paris.

"I've got a photo shoot later today." He said with a half smile. Nino nodded before scratching his head. "Well if you not busy we could go see that new movie that's out." He said. "I'll see." He said before waving goodbye and getting into the limo.


Adrian looked out the window of his bedroom, the sun had just set and the sky was the shades of black and blues. The stars slowly began to show into the calm spring night. His eyes shifted to his desk with his six TV screens on it, he moved so he was sitting comfortably in his desk chair before pulling up his Tumblr account. He clicked on the blog that had EVERYTHING on Ladybug and was out to find out who this hero was.

He smiled as he rewatched old videos that Marinette's best friend had taken, he found that as he watched the videos how all the clues and hints had all pointed to Marinette. He wanted to hit himself in the face for his stupidity for not connecting the dots sooner. It just so happened he had the chance my accident to see the girl behind the mask.

He smiled slightly as his best friend zoomed on her face showing off all of her freckles and her lovely blue eyes. He couldn't move away from the screen of his computer. Plagg flew over toward his lovesick friend and sighed, he was getting hungry again and wanted some cheese. "Hey. Feed me." He said flying into his face.

Adrian was taken by surprise and backed but a bit almost falling out of his desk chair. He looked at his little friend and frowned. "You didn't have to get in front of me like that Plagg." He said sitting back up and pausing the video on his computer. "Well I'm hungry and you're obsessing over Ladybug again. So feed me." He said flying around him for a moment before sitting on his head waiting for Adrian to get him food. He sighed before getting up from his chair and walking over to his mini fridge and getting a Plagg a tiny thing of cheese.

Plagg smiled before flying off of his blond hair and on to the cheese. "Yeah." He yelled before pealing the rap back and eating a large chunk of the food. Adrian rolled his eyes before glancing out the window into the dark night. The streets were lite up making it look very beautiful even though it wasn't. Just as he was about to turn around and walk back to his desk an idea popped into his head, one that could let him see Ladybug aka Marinette more than just at school and as Chat Noir.


Marinette let out a long sigh as she let herself sink into the mattress of her bed, it had been a very long week and today she finally had somewhat of a break. It wasn't that she didn't like saving the world it was just that she was having a harder time balancing the two. She had school but then she also had to be Ladybug which more times than not got in the way of the other. Tikki flew over from inside of her bag and handed next to her.

"Are you okay Marinette?" She asked in her sweet little voice. She looked considered for her, her it was part of her job to help her. She looked up and stared at her for a moment before replying. "Yes, I'm fine just tired." She said before returning her face back into her pillow. Tikki looked over toward the stairs to the roof and flew back into Marinette's bag. Marinette looks up questioning where her friend was then almost screamed as she stared at a pair of green cat eyes.

Forever My Hero - Miraculous Ladybug (#Wattys2018)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ