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Bethany's POV

I'm exhausted. It's 9:30 and I just got home from work. I work as a waitress at 54th Street Bar and Grill, until my career takes off. Cameron and I are trying to become actors/actresses. So we move to LA together and bought an apartment. It's great. Just not the career part. That's not going anywhere.

I plop on my bed and stare at the ceiling. I feel something on my stomach. I look up and see Molly came in, and is laying on my stomach. Dealing with drunk guys isn't fun. After an estimate of five minutes, Cameron comes in.

"Hey. How was work?" he smiles, sitting on my bed by my feet.

"Alright." I truthfully tell him. I can't lie to him. He's my best friend. Our moms were best friends before we were even born. So we've been friends since birth. We were neighbors too, so we went through school together. We've always had each other's backs.

"Drunk flirty guys?" he asks, spitting out the work flirty. I just respond with a nod.

"Scoot over." he tells me. I grab Molly and scoot over. He lays down next to me, and Molly moves to in between both of us. We both lay there, petting her.

"Y'know what?" he asks after a few minutes of silence.


"You need to get in a better mood. You are really crabby right now." He tells me. We've always been honest with each other. After a while, the things we tell each other, don't hurt. He said I was crabby, I believe him. I don't disagree. That's how our relationship is.

"Yeah." I sigh.

"Let's go out." he suggests.

"No. That means seeing other people. Strangers. I'd-"

"rather lay in bed, watch Netflix, and eat. I know. I know. But you need to get out there. When was the last time you and Andrea went out?" he asks after cutting me off.

Andrea works with me. She's my only girl friend, which I'm okay with. We hang out. sometimes.

I bite my lip.

"Exactly. You never hang out with her anymore. Now, when was the last time she invited you to go out?" He asks more questions.

I ignore him and twiddle my thumbs.

"See? I hang out with my friends."

"Your idiot friends." I mumble.

"I heard that. Yeah, they can make stupid decisions. But they're my friends, Beth. My guy friends. Once you get to know them, they're good people." He tells me.

"Good people? They tried to beat me up from 8th grade to Sophomore year in high school!! They called me names too. So that's good people?" I start raising my voice.

"Bethany. They've changed. They regret that. You know why they did that, too." he says, giving me a look.

"I'm just asking you for one thing. Please. Meet my friends, and try to get along with them."

I sigh. "Fine."

"YES! Thank you!" he hugs me and kisses my forehead.

"Andrea is even friends with them." he comments, after getting off my bed and walking to my bedroom door.

"What?" I sit up.

He laughs. "Yeah. Now call Andrea. Go out. Have fun."

"Cam, you know-"

"that you don't know how to have fun? yes. I do." He smirks.

"I can have fun." I sass him.

"Sure. Keep telling yourself that." he yells from the kitchen. I get out of my bed and walk to him, Molly following me.

"Um, I can have fun." I tell him.

"Prove it." he tells me. "I bet you don't have guts, either."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I question his odd statement.

"You don't have the guts to do something crazy." He tells me, making a turkey sandwich.

"Oh, I do. Y'know what? Call your friends over right now. I'll have Andrea come over." I tell him.

He gives me a confused look, before bitting into his sandwiches and giving Molly a piece.

"I'm going to get a piece of paper and envelope, write down something crazy, and put it in your room. I will do my crazy statement. But, you don't get to look at it till your friends leave." I negotiate with him.

"Alright. But if it isn't really crazy, I get to change it." He says, after thinking.

"Deal." We shake hands.

"Invite them over!" I yell to him, walking into my room. I find a piece of paper, envelope, and pen.

What do I do that's crazy?

Got it. I write it down and read over it a few times. I stick it in the envelope, seal it, and set it on Cam's dresser. I text Andrea to come over, and sit by Cam on the couch. I keep imagining my handwriting.

Make one of Cameron's friends fall in love with me.

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