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Cameron's POV

It's been two and a half hours since I came to my room to avoid Beth. I haven't left my room. I know Beth knows something is up with me, but she understands to give me some space. I don't think she's done much. I heard her shower running, but that's it. That was about an hour ago.

Now, I lay on me bed and stare at the ceiling. Until, I hear the doorbell ring. I wonder who Beth invited over.

"HEEEEYYYYOO!" I hear someone yell. Andrea.

Seriously Beth? Just invite people over? Speaking of......

I get off my bed and open my door. I walk into the kitchen and living room area to look for Beth. Not there.

I go to her room, to see the door is closed. I knock and wait. Beth answers the door, opening it wide.

"Oh, hey. Finally decide to come out of hiding?" she teases me.

"Oh, uh, yeah." I scratch the back of my neck.

"So, what's up? I'm assuming you don't want to sit here and talk about periods with me and Andrea." she says. I hear Andrea laugh, laying in Beth's bed.

"Uh, oh, no, I, uh, um." I stutter.

"Dude. She said period. Get over it." Andrea come up from behind Beth.

I roll my eyes.

"Oh, yeah. Keep rolling those eyes. Maybe you'll be able to find a brain." Andrea tells me, while taking a hand full of pretzels from a bag in her hands.

"Anyways, Beth, I wanted to know if it was okay with Stephanie staying here." I remind her.

"Oh, yeah. Stephanie. That's fine with me." She tells me with a smile.

"Thanks. Have fun." I tell them, and walk back to my room.

I grab my phone to find Stephanie's number. I find the time I talked to her.

No Caller ID


Oh, wait.

Stephanie called me, a little after I set Beth's alarm.

Isn't that a little coincidental.

And Beth was very supportive. Wasn't shocked much, either.

I didn't "get frisky" with a girl named Stephanie, two months ago either.

I walk back to Beth's bedroom door and knock. She answers, in a bikini. She looks amazing. I can't help but stare for a second. Then I look on her eyes.

"Hey Cammy Bear!! It's Stephanie!!" I squeal in a high pitched voice, trying to mock her.

She busts out laughing.

"Really? Getting a girl pregnant?" I ask while I just stand there, watching her laugh. Gosh, she's beautiful.

She wipes her eyes, and settles down from laughing.

"Well I had to get you back." she tells me.

"Whatever." I shake my head and walk back to my room. Before I have the chance to close my door, Beth calls out to me.

"Hey Cam!"

"Yeah?" I look in her direction. She still looks fine in that bikini.

"Andrea and I are going to the hot tub." she tells me.

"Okay. Have fun."

"Yup." She says, walking out the door after Andrea.

I walk in my room, and don't bother closing the door. Molly comes trotting in and jumps on my bed. I lay down next to her, and pet her.

"You miss Mommy already?" I ask her. She licks my hand.

Beth and I got Molly a couple months ago. We saw this lady and her dog had puppies. They were old enough to leave their mother. So, we of course got one. Here we are, six months later, and she's so sweet. I remember what Beth said when we were in the car, driving home with Molly for the first time.


"This is going to be awesome!" Beth squeals in the passenger seat. I just laugh at how adorable she is.

"It's going to be just like when we were younger and played house." she says thinking back.

"Seriously? You're going to bring that up? You tortured me to play house! " I laugh at the memory.

"No I didn't! That was always fun though. I would take one of my baby dolls, and we would be parents."

"Oh yeah. 'Honey, look! I just had a baby!' was the best part." I laugh at her.

"I was six! I didn't know how bodies worked!" she defends herself.

"It'll be just like then." she whispers, petting little Molly, that sits on her lap.

"Mommy and Daddy will take care of you."

(flashback ends.)

We do take care of her. We even call ourselves Mommy and Daddy when it comes to Molly. Like Beth will tell Molly, "Go wake up Daddy," or I'll tell Molly, "Go to Mommy's room," and she knows what we mean.

I lay in my bed, and stare at the ceiling. After a while, I look around my room to see if it needs clean. When I glance at my dresser, I see a whit envelope. I walk over and scan the outside of it. No name or anything. So I open it. It's a folded up piece of notebook paper.

I read the paper, and immediately regret finding the envelope. Beth's handwriting.

Make one of Cameron's friends fall in love with me.

What? Out of all the crazy things she could've done. she chose that?

Why does she want one of my friends?

What about me?

Why can't she see?

Why is she ignoring me?

Why doesn't she know how long I've been in love with her?

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