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Cameron's POV

She's on a date. Bethany Mota is on a date with Jack Gilinsky.

I may or not have followed them. And I may or may not be sitting in my car in the parking lot while watching them. Whoops.

They've been sitting in the restaurant. Talking. Eating. It's so disgusting. Just seeing them together makes me want to puke.


I've been sitting here for two and a half hours. They're starting to get up, so I start my car and drive home.


I hurry inside and close the door. I plop on the couch and turn the TV on. I see that Finding Nemo is on. Just as I get comfy, the door opens and laughter fills the room.

"Oh my gosh, Jack!" Bethany laughs.

They both walk in a bit and stop laughing.

"Well, do you want to stay a little? Have a drink?" Beth asks him. Say no. Say no.

"Sure." of course.

I hear them walk in the kitchen, but ignore them.

"Shoot!" I hear Beth yell in disappointment.

"What's wrong, babe?" Jack asks her.

Babe? No. She's my babe.

"I think I left the wine glasses at Andrea's! Well I'm going to go get them, don't worry she just lives a couple floors up. Please, make your self at home." Beth tells him.

I hear her heels behind me, heading to the door. "Hey, Cam. How was your night?"

"Good." I tell her, my eyes still glued to the TV.

"That's good." I hear her voice. I hear the front door open, then close.

I turn off the TV, and head for my room. I notice Jack looking at papers on the counter.

"What is this?" he asks, holding something up and facing me.

I walk toward him. Adoption Applications.

That idiot. He thinks it's for kids. Not dogs.

"Well Beth and I have been thinking of adopt-"

I get cut off by Jack slamming me against the wall, having me pinned.

"Listen you worthless, stupid, ugly, ignorant piece of crap! Back off Beth! She's mine. And I'm taking her away from you. Don't even try to change that." Jack smirks.

I get my strength and push him off me, then pin him to the wall.

"Listen here. I don't know who you think you are. But Beth is a person. Not an object. You can't just claim her. You can't show up for a date and say 'hey you look hot' and call her 'babe.' You flatter her. Earn her trust. You form a relationship. Spoil her. Prove yourself worth her time!" I yell in his face.

"We all know you're in love with her." he smirks.

"What?" I furrow my eyebrows and tighten my grip to make him stay still.

"Oh yeah. The guys, Andrea, and I. We all know. Don't even deny it, because it's obvious."

"I-I...... It's- It's just, uh, um." I stutter.

"Exactly. You're in love with her. But let's face it. The only reason you love her is cause of her looks. That gorgeous face, pretty hair, big boobs, and nice butt. That's all you care about." he says after pulling my phone out of my pocket and looking at my lock screen. It's of Beth and I.

"No. That's not true. Cause my name isn't Jack Gilinsky." I take my phone back.

"Oh, so you aren't in love with her?" he smiles again.

"OF COURSE I LOVE HER! It's not like I just love her, I'm in love with her! For as long as I can remember, I've loved her. I loved her when I was little, I lover her as a teen, and I love her now! I will always love her! Want me to say it again? I'M IN LOVE WITH BETHANY NOEL MOTA!" I yell.

"WHAT?" Beth and Andrea burst through the door. Both Jack and I face them.

"How much did you see?" I ask, and gulp.

"All of it. As soon as I walked out the door, Andrea was there with the glasses. She suggested we stay here and watch. The door was cracked the whole time." Beth looks at her feet.

"Oh." my voice comes out a whisper.

For a long time, till her beautiful voice spoke up.

"So, it's true. You really do love me?" she looks at me with a smile, and hopeful look in her eyes.

"Yeah, I do." I tell her.

Her smile gets bigger. "Good."

"Good?" I ask.

"Yeah, good."

"Why good?" I ask.

"Cause I feel the exact same way about you."

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