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To the amazing friend that knows me and loves me anyway.

When I'm at my lowest
I hate that you like me
I hate that you look at me
With kindness and love
I hate that you're my friend
And I can't even believe
That you're sincere
I know you are
How could someone fake
Something so genuine
But when the dark wraps
A noose around my neck
I struggle to laugh, to smile
To breathe
I struggle to understand how
Such a nuisance could
Befriend anyone

I regret meeting you
Meeting any friend
As the silence rings in my ears bringing the voices of Hell
I hate myself and
I know you hate me too
I'm such a waste of space
I think, I'm nothing
And I know you'll tell me otherwise
What are friends for?
But that voice is always there
Always laughing at
Just the thought of
Anyone loving me

I think it's tiring
To care for someone like me
Is it difficult?
Do you hate it?
Just as much as
I think you do

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