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Dear God,

I was never one for prayer

Never one to be a Jehovah's Witness

Or Christian or Baptist

It was just expected

"God, in His own way, is watching"

Like it was fact

Like I should believe

Because they told me so

But why would I believe that

In my world of technology

In my world of science

In my world of reasoning

That you are anything but

A fairytale?

Yes, we need trial and error

Privilege should not be handed to us

But you allow pain

Crippling, mind numbing pain

And horrid things to happen to good people, innocent people,

Children who won't ever get to be children again

All she ever wanted

Was to believe that

Someone, Anyone

Wouldn't abandon her

All he asked for

Was a bit of anything

To go right in his poor life

For a better future

And they are weeping at your altar

Wondering why no one is listening

Wondering why no one cares

And if you do listen, do care

Then why does it hurt so much just to live?

Why is the world such a cruel, unforgiving place?

Why is free will equivalent to destruction?

Maybe I'm more afraid that you are here

A man in the sky

Or father, I should say

Watching his children

Destroy each other

Ruin each other

A father that has boundless power

A father that stands idle as we tear each other apart at the seams

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