
23 1 0

A/N: This is kinda old so specs, if you read this, I am sorry.

To my best friend, my Sorta Sister, that's always there no matter what

Do you know that
Your eyes are
An amazing blue?
Do you know that
You smile so bright
When you look at her?
Do you know that
I've never seen you happier?

She's good for you
And you're good for her.
You two are perfect.
I'm glad to have been
A part of it.

But I think I have to go
For a little bit

This place
It's so lonely
Everything is pitch
The walls are hollow
The floors creak even though
No one is there

The darkness yells
When all I want is quiet
In this place it's always
Demanding that I sacrifice
My blood for some peace
Just a little pain
For some quiet time

It's not a fair trade
I know, I know, I know
But what am supposed to do
Tell me what to do
How do I find my way out
Of this endless darkness
With out first
Succumbing to it?
How do I fight a battle
I'm not sure I want to win?

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