Chapter 1

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Matts POV

•Two Months Ago•

Nick: Hey Matt have a weird question for you.

Matt: What is it babe?

Nick: Do you feel like were... Falling apart? I feel like we're not meant for each other.

Matt: Yea, I actually do. Do you just want to end our relationship here?

Nick: Um, I don't mind. Should we?

Matt: I think so.


It's been two months since me and Nick broke up. We've moved on in our lives. I bet Nicks already found a different boyfriend and I'm still a single pringle. I still miss him to be honest, I just wished we wouldn't fight all the time. Once in a while when I see him somewhere, he smiles at me and I just ignore him like we've never known each other. I think he gets the message, unless he still has feeling for me, which probably isn't going to happen ever again. I don't ever want to see him in my life... he broke my heart a million times.

Nicks POV

I still miss Matt a lot, I still love him. I felt like the break up was all a mistake. Every time I go to the mall I usually see Matt there, I smile at him but he ignores me like he's never seen me before. It breaks my heart to not see his smile anymore. This was all my fault. I broke his heart a million times. I need to get him back now.

(A/N) Guys... I had the greatest idea. Since Matt and Nick broke up and when Nick wanted to get together back with Matt. I wanted to make a fanfiction if they actually got back together. I JUST LOVE LUSHLAWS I CANT BELIVE THEY BROKE UP! They were so cute together :(

Anyways I hoped you enjoyed this first part of this chapter!!!!

(I hope they get back together irl)

Lushlaws Reunite?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ