Chapter 2

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Nicks POV

Hmm, what kind of flowers will he like? I'll go with the roses. I grabbed the pair of roses and bought them.

I drove to Matthews house, once I got there I parked on the driveway and went outside. I walked up to Matts door and knocked.

Matts POV

I heard a knock at the door. I walked up to the door and opened it seeing...

Matt: Nick? Come in.

Nick: Thanks, wanted to tell you something. And I gave you these flowers. I thought you would like them.

Matt: Aw Nick, you didn't have to do that. Here, come sit.

We walked over to the couch and sat down. I turned off the tv and focused on Nick.

Matt: So what did you want to tell me?

Nick: Look, I want to get back together. I want to reunite Lushlaws. I still love you Matt. I felt like it was a mistake to break up. Do you want to get back together?

Matt: Nick, you broke my heart millions of times... I tried to get back with you last month but you rejected me. I tried again and again...but you always said no. Why do you want to get back together now?

Nick: I just noticed that I've missed you and that I've loved you again.

Matt: Now you've just noticed? Nick, I've loved you more than anyone else. We've moved on! Nick I don't know what to say.

Nicks POV

I felt so bad for Matt. It's true, I've said no every time to Matt. I didn't want to move on. I missed Matt so much. I loved him so much.

Nick: Can we please get back together? I want a new start.

Matt: I'll need to thi-

I couldn't stand it. I pressed my lips onto Matt and kissed him. He kissed back and we started making out. He pulled back and smiled.

Nick: Have you made your decision yet?

Matt: Lemmi think about that.... Yes.

I kissed him on the forehead and put my head on his shoulder.

Nick: I love you baby.

Matt: I love you too.

(A/N) Hope u guys enjoyed this chapter :3 if you want to help me w/ it then just message me on "Wattpad" and we can work on it together. But I bet no one is going to help lolz ^>^ Thx for reading!

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