Chapter 4

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Matts POV

I got out the cereal and started pouring it in my bowl.

Matt: Babe you going to eat yet?

Nick: Y-yeah just one second.

I grabbed a spoon full of cereal and started to eat. Nick came out of the bathroom and sat beside me.

Matt: You want some cereal?

Nick: Yea sure.

Nick grabbed the boxed cereal and started pouring out the cereal onto his bowl that I got out for him.

Matt: Are you going to tell me about your dream?

Nick: Yea....

Matt: Well?

Nick: *sighs* Ok so I woke up in bed alone and you were screaming my name for help. So I got out of bed and went to the living room. Then... My dad pointed the gun...

Nick started to cry. I pulled him onto my shoulder. I started rubbing his back for comfort.

Nick: He pointed the gun at my face and told me that I shouldn't be gay, and that he was going to make me straight. Then he just shot you.

Nick started crying more onto my shoulder.

Matt: Nick?

Nick: Y-yea?

Matt: Did you tell your dad that your gay? Not only that but... Us?

Nick shook his head no. I guess it would be reasonable, his dad is an alcoholic anyways. He would beat the shit out of him sometimes (A/N) Pretty sure this is not tru)

Matt: We have to tell your dad.

Nick: No I can't, and you know why.

Matt: Nick, we'll get married some day and what if he wants to come to the wedding?

Nick: We don't tell him that we're getting married.

Matt: Nick be serious. We have to tell your dad soon. And YouTube.

Nick: Look I'm just scared, that's all.

Matt: We should tell him today.

Nick: Today?!? It's only been one day since we've been dating!

Matt: Nick, we were together for a long time, we broke up, and we got back together. We're going to tell him no matter what.

Nick: *sighs* fine.

(A/N) YAY! Another shitty story! Hope you liked this shit! (Sry for the bad words) Plz help D:

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