Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I was running to the kitchen when i slipped and landed on my butt. Ow ow ow. My poor booty.

"Sky could you get me an ice pack?" I asked sheepishly

"What did you do this time?"

"I broke my butt."

He burst out laugjing. Well thsts not very nice. Jerk.

I stood up and held the ice to my butt. Now to get some food.

I waddled into the kitchen and tossed a hot pocket in the nucker . Or for those less fun the microwave.

I grabbed it as soon as the micro wave beeped.

"HOT!" I screamed.

" No. Duh." Sky said

Man he is annoying..

After waitng several minutes i devored my hot pocket. Yum.

I wss suddenly tired and decided to turn in for the night.

I limped up the stairs and pulled out my cell to call matt.

"Matt could you take me to the doctors. I think my butt is broken."

"Umm. ... Okay?"

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