Chapter 71

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It is raining......And it's supposed to snow.....I hate snow.....Despise it.

My dog ride the short bus.

I have waited so long to be precieved as pretty. But I am rarely called pretty or cute. I wish I could be beautiful. No one ever hits on me, has a crush on me, or is always looking at me. I don't feel like this beautiful girl. No I feel ugly and rejected. Sure I might have a crush on some one but they never care to notice. I can't just throw something on and head to school. No, I have to stress over whether or not it looks good on me. I have been judged and bullied my whole life. It doesn't feel good when some one calls you fat or to thin. It hurt to be called worthless. It kills me to be told that I will never be pretty because I am just an ugly whore. I hate when people judge me before they know me. I forgive them and they just go and do it again. They don't realize that my strength is fading fast. They don't know that while everyone else is asleep, I am wide awake crying. They don't care that their words and actions have forever scarred me. But somehow I manage to smile through it so that no one will know. I put on a mask and pretend like I'm fine. I'm not fine though. I am broken and falling apart because of them.

Chapter 71

Kandee's POV

I stood in front of my full length mirror trying to decide whether or not I needed to change my outfit for the day.

I had on a pink off the shoulder t-shirt. My legs were hugged by a pair of ripped skinny jeans that fit like a glove. A pair of black converse covered my feet. My hot pink skull earrings and “Bite Me” necklace matched the shirt perfectly. My leather cuff was clasped around my right wrist and my rings decorated my fingers.

I looked over at the clock and realized that Skylar would be here any minute to pick me up for school. Sure enough, just moments later, Skylar could be heard pounding on the door. I groaned and grabbed my heavy school-bag off my bed. Dragging my feet, I trudged toward the front door.

I screeched when I opened the door to reveal snow falling lazily from the sky. I closed the door sadly and stomped through the slush to Sky's car.

“Good Morning....” I grumbled sliding into the front seat.

“I take it you aren't having a good day?” Sky asked softly.

“He still doesn't remember me.” I said as a lone tear rolled down my cheek.

The rest of the ride to school was silent. I just stared out the window wondering how everything had gotten to screwed up. A tree with only half its leaves whizzed past my window. It reminded me that everything changes, that life is a never ending cycle.

Skylar pulled into the school parking lot and turned off the car. He turned to face me a grim smile on his lips.

“You ready?” He asked quietly.

I just nodded and shoved the car door out of my way. I had barely stepped out of the car car before the cold weather caught up with me. The snow and icy winds had made the ground slick. As I slammed the door I knocked myself off balance and began slipping and sliding toward the ground.

'Whoa! Careful It's slippery.” Some one said as they caught my arm, preventing me from hitting the ground.

“I realize that.” I said, my voice was almost as cold as the frosty air.

I turned around slowly trying not to slip once again. I gasped when I realized who it was.

“Alex?” I asked in disbelief.

“You remember me? I must have made quite the impression.” He joked.

You remember me.

Those three words were all it took to finish rebuilding my protective walls. This time no one was getting in. I was under lock and key.

“Yeah, I remember.” I whispered as I shouldered past.

My eyes stayed on the ground trying to make sure there was no more ice. I heard the horn blare and the tires screech. I saw headlights flash and tires spin desperately searching for traction. This was it. This was the end of my pain.

Alex's POV

She brushed past me her eyes focused intently on the ground. The car came speeding through the parking lot just as she stepped into its path. The driver slammed on the brakes but the vehicle continued sliding at a lethal speed.

The girl just stood there watching in shock as the tires spun on the ice covered ground.

I ran as fast as I could and slammed into her. We flew into the ice covered grass as the car began to spin.

Her eyes flew open and filled with disappointment.

“Get off me.” She hissed rage and disgust coating her words.

“What? I just saved your life! I don't even know your name! But that didn't stop me! You should be happy!” I snapped.

“You didn't save me. You only made my life worse. All you did was prolong my suffering. My name might be Kandee but my life has been anything but sweet.” She breathed.


Sorry it is short but my right leg is extremely painful right now. The wound just keeps getting bigger. And guess what? The doctor is refusing to give us the script for my bandage materials! God forbid sterile gauze, antibiotic ointment, and anti-bacterial dressings fall into the hands of a 14 year old! I can't do anything now because I run the risk of infection! My doctors want me to go for the third psych check this school year! They believe that it is self inflicted injury and that I am responsible for all of it! I have spent the last two night crying after everyone else was already asleep! I don't know how much more I can take! Between doctors and people that judge before they know, I have more people against me than ever before.

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