Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Matt pulled into the drive way. He laughed as i waddled to his truck. I pulled myself into the passenger seat. Man it hurt to sit. Matt just laughed and rolled his eyes. He Put the truck in reverse and backed out of the driveway.

"Care to explain what happened?" Matt asked

"I fell down."

"Well I kinda guessed that. How did you fall?" Matt said sarcasticly

"I was running."


"You ask too many questions."

"Oh well. Now answer the question."

" Fine if you must know. I was being chased."

"By what?"

"A vicsous beast called hunger." I said

Matt started laughing hard. Jerk. An incredibly hot jerk but a jerk all the same.

"Well I'm flattered that you think im an incredibly hot jerk." Matt said smirking. I hated it when he smirked. He should smile instead. Wait a pancake flipping second. How did he know what i had been thinking?

Seeing my confusion Matt said,

" You do know you have a tendincy to say exactly what your thinking, right?"

Oh no i said that out loud!?

Just then we pulled into the hospital parking lot. You know I should just rent a room here. I here all the time as it is.

About four hours later Matt dropped me and my doughnut thing off at home.

Yep I busted my butt. I tossed my doughnut pillow thing on the couch and waddled to the freezer. I grabbed an ice pack and pressed it to my bruised and broken butt. Ahhhhhh, relief. I savored the pain relief for a moment before grabbing a drumstick ice cream cone. I ate it while heading back to the living room. I sat down on my doughbut and grabbed the remote. Yay! Spongebob! I love that little yellow sponge.

Slowly my eyes slod shut. I drifted into an unfomfortable sleep.

I woke up paifully stiff. And my butt felf a million times worse.

I streched stiffly wincing in obvious discomfort.

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